04 mar. de 06:30 to 19:11
Gricenkoia changed 18 translations in Spanish on LinguaLeo Courses. Hide changes
  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Escuche el diálogo y añada palabras desconocidas al diccionario.<br> <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247665171&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe> </h3> <p align=left> <i>Dana:</i> Can you help, me officer? I think I’m lost here.<br> <i>Officer:</i> Manchester is a big city. What are you looking for?<br> <i>Dana:</i> I’m supposed to meet my friend at the Whitworth Art Gallery.<br> <i>Officer:</i> Do you know the address?<br> <i>Dana:</i> Yes. It’s in Whitworth Park.<br> <i>Officer:</i> Okay, First, catch the bus at the station in the middle of the block.<br> <i>Dana:</i> On this street?<br> <i>Officer:</i> Yes, you can see it from here. Do you see the sign by the gate to the south?<br> <i>Dana:</i> Oh, yes, I see it. Do I go down?<br> <i>Officer:</i> Yes, take the steps down and take the tram going south too.<br> <i>Dana:</i> How many stops before I get off the tram?<br> <i>Officer:</i> Three stops.<br> <i>Dana:</i> Do you know the name of the stop?<br> <i>Officer:</i> Yes, you’ll get off at the Oxford Road and you’ll see the Whitworth Art Gallery.<br> <i>Dana:</i> And the museum is right there?<br> <i>Officer:</i> Yes, it is. It’s a big building. You can’t miss it. <br> <i>Dana:</i> Thank you so much.<br> <i>Officer:</i> No problem. I hope you enjoy your visit to the city.</p> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Escuche el diálogo y añada palabras desconocidas al diccionario.<br>  
    <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247665171&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe>  
    <p align=left>   
    <i>Dana:</i> Can you help, me officer? I think Im lost here.<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Manchester is a big city. What are you looking for?<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> Im supposed to meet my friend at the Whitworth Art Gallery.<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Do you know the address?<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> Yes. Its in Whitworth Park.<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Okay, First, catch the bus at the station in the middle of the block.<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> On this street?<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Yes, you can see it from here. Do you see the sign by the gate to the south?<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> Oh, yes, I see it. Do I go down?<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Yes, take the steps down and take the tram going south too.<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> How many stops before I get off the tram?<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Three stops.<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> Do you know the name of the stop?<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Yes, youll get off at the Oxford Road and youll see the Whitworth Art Gallery.<br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> And the museum is right there?<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> Yes, it is. Its a big building. You cant miss it. <br>  
    <i>Dana:</i> Thank you so much.<br>  
    <i>Officer:</i> No problem. I hope you enjoy your visit to the city.</p>  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. <ul> <li>Do you know the address?&*your translation of "Do you know the address?" goes here*</li> <li>On this street?&*your translation of "On this street?" goes here*</li> <li>To take the steps down&*your translation of "To take the steps down" goes here*</li> <li>To take the tram&*your translation of "To take the tram" goes here*</li> <li>To get off the tram&*your translation of "To get off the tram" goes here*</li> <li>The name of the stop&*your translation of "The name of the stop" goes here*</li> <li>The museum is right there?&*your translation of "The museum is right there?" goes here*</li> </ul>
    <li>Do you know the address?&*your translation of "Do you know the address?" goes here*</li>  
    <li>On this street?&*your translation of "On this street?" goes here*</li>  
    <li>To take the steps down&*your translation of "To take the steps down" goes here*</li>  
    <li>To take the tram&*your translation of "To take the tram" goes here*</li>  
    <li>To get off the tram&*your translation of "To get off the tram" goes here*</li>  
    <li>The name of the stop&*your translation of "The name of the stop" goes here*</li>  
    <li>The museum is right there?&*your translation of "The museum is right there?" goes here*</li>  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468"> </h3> <ul style="max-width: 600px;"> <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* <li><b>Economy cars</b> - *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here* <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here* <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here* <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here* <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here* <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here* <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here* <li><b>A valid driver’s license</b> - *your translation of "A valid driver’s license" goes here* <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here* <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here* <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here* <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here* <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here* </ul> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468">    </h3>  
    <ul style="max-width: 600px;">  
    <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>Economy cars</b> -  *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here*  
    <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here*  
    <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here*  
    <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here*  
    <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here*  
    <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A valid drivers license</b> - *your translation of "A valid drivers license" goes here*  
    <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here*  
    <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here*  
    <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here*  
    <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here*  
    <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here*  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  1. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468"> </h3> <ul style="max-width: 600px;"> <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* <li><b>Economy cars</b> - *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here* <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here* <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here* <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here* <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here* <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here* <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here* <li><b>A valid driver’s license</b> - *your translation of "A valid driver’s license" goes here* <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here* <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here* <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here* <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here* <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here* </ul> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468">    </h3>  
    <ul style="max-width: 600px;">  
    <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>Economy cars</b> -  *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here*  
    <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here*  
    <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here*  
    <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here*  
    <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here*  
    <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A valid drivers license</b> - *your translation of "A valid drivers license" goes here*  
    <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here*  
    <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here*  
    <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here*  
    <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here*  
    <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here*  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468"> </h3> <ul style="max-width: 600px;"> <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* <li><b>Economy cars</b> - *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here* <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here* <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here* <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here* <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here* <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here* <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here* <li><b>A valid driver’s license</b> - *your translation of "A valid driver’s license" goes here* <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here* <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here* <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here* <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here* <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here* </ul> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Añada palabras y frases desconocidas a su diccionario para aprenderlas más tarde.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/b7d34985a9e6fa45a92734879602c42edc7972d1.jpg" alt="387/36468">    </h3>  
    <ul style="max-width: 600px;">  
    <li><b>To rent a car</b> - *your translation of "To rent a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>To reserve a car</b> - *your translation of "To reserve a car" goes here* 
    <li><b>Economy cars</b> -  *your translation of "Economy cars" goes here*  
    <li><b>Four-door sedans</b> - *your translation of "Four-door sedans" goes here*  
    <li><b>Vehicles</b> - *your translation of "Vehicles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A small car</b> - *your translation of "A small car" goes here*  
    <li><b>Driving</b> - *your translation of "Driving" goes here*  
    <li><b>An unlimited option</b> - *your translation of "An unlimited option" goes here*  
    <li><b>To drive more than 1000 miles</b> - *your translation of "To drive more than 1000 miles" goes here*  
    <li><b>A valid drivers license</b> - *your translation of "A valid drivers license" goes here*  
    <li><b>An insurance</b> - *your translation of "An insurance" goes here*  
    <li><b>A personal vehicle</b> - *your translation of "A personal vehicle" goes here*  
    <li><b>To cover any accidents</b> - *your translation of "To cover any accidents" goes here*  
    <li><b>A full tank of gasoline</b> - *your translation of "A full tank of gasoline" goes here*  
    <li><b>To pick up the car</b> - *your translation of "To pick up the car" goes here*  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Relacione las frases con la traducción.
    Relacione las frases con la traducción.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Escuche el diálogo y añada palabras desconocidas al diccionario.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/8bf188715178aee6453efb031a9c267b1c3d363f.jpg" alt="387/36495"><br> <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247668287&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe> </h3> <p align=left> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Barry's Pizza. How can I help you? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Hello. I’d like to order four pizzas, please. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Is this for pickup or delivery? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Delivery, please. It’s free delivery on Fridays, right? <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> That’s right. May I have your address? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Yep. It’s 55 East 52nd Street 2nd floor. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Is there an intercom? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Yep, it’s 23. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Okay. What can I get for you? <br> <i>Jack:</i> I need one large vegetarian pizza and three medium pepperoni pizzas, please.<br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Our vegetarian comes with tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms. Is that okay? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Hmm...is it possible to get green peppers instead of hot peppers? <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> No problem. Would you like regular crust or thin crust? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Let’s go with regular crust for the vegetarian and thin for the pepperonis. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Can I interest you in any wings, garlic bread, or soda today? <br> <i>Jack:</i> No, I think that will be everything. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Alright. Your total comes to $53.55. Our driver should have that to you in about 30 minutes. <br> <i>Jack:</i> Great. Thank you. </p> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Escuche el diálogo y añada palabras desconocidas al diccionario.<br><img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/8bf188715178aee6453efb031a9c267b1c3d363f.jpg" alt="387/36495"><br>  
    <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247668287&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe>  
    <p align=left>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Barry's Pizza. How can I help you? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i>  Hello. Id like to order four pizzas, please. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Is this for pickup or delivery? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Delivery, please. Its free delivery on Fridays, right? <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Thats right. May I have your address? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Yep. Its 55 East 52nd Street 2nd floor. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Is there an intercom? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Yep, its 23. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Okay. What can I get for you? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> I need one large vegetarian pizza and three medium pepperoni pizzas, please.<br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Our vegetarian comes with tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms. Is that okay? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Hmm...is it possible to get green peppers instead of hot peppers? <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> No problem. Would you like regular crust or thin crust? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Lets go with regular crust for the vegetarian and thin for the pepperonis. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Can I interest you in any wings, garlic bread, or soda today? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> No, I think that will be everything. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Alright. Your total comes to $53.55. Our driver should have that to you in about 30 minutes. <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Great. Thank you. </p>  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Escuche el diálogo y recoja respuestas correctas.
    Escuche el diálogo y recoja respuestas correctas.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Escuche el diálogo y recoja respuestas correctas.
    Escuche el diálogo y recoja respuestas correctas.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Llene los espacios.
    Llene los espacios.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Haga un diálogo.
    Haga un diálogo.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
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  2. Traduzca el diálogo. Escuche el audio para comprobar su traducción.
    Traduzca el diálogo. Escuche el audio para comprobar su traducción.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
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  2. Escriba respuestas correctas.
    Escriba respuestas correctas.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Haga un diálogo.
    Haga un diálogo.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Llene los espacios. Algunas frases pueden ser innecesarias.
    Llene los espacios. Algunas frases pueden ser innecesarias.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Escriba respuestas correctas.
    Escriba respuestas correctas.
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
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  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> Escuche la réplica del locutor, luego lea su réplica durante la pausa. <br>Luego repita su réplica en la memoria sin mirar el texto.<br><br> <img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/30dfd23785dd0b043989d1e4daaa73c7135db6f6.jpg" alt="387/36491-2"><br><br> <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247675033&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe> </h3> <p align=left> <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> What can I get for you? <br> <i>Jack:</i> I need one large vegetarian pizza and three medium pepperoni pizzas, please.<br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Our vegetarian comes with tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms. Is that okay? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Hmm...is it possible to get green peppers instead of hot peppers? <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> No problem. Would you like regular crust or thin crust? <br> <i>Jack:</i> Let’s go with regular crust for the vegetarian and thin for the pepperonis. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza: </i>Sure. Can I interest you in any wings, garlic bread, or soda today? <br> <i>Jack: </i>No, I think that will be everything. <br> <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Alright. Your total comes to $53.55. Our driver should have that to you in about 30 minutes. <br> <i>Jack:</i> Great. Thank you.</p> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
    Escuche la réplica del locutor, luego lea su réplica durante la pausa. <br>Luego repita su réplica en la memoria sin mirar el texto.<br><br>  
    <img src="//d144fqpiyasmrr.cloudfront.net/uploads/upimages/30dfd23785dd0b043989d1e4daaa73c7135db6f6.jpg" alt="387/36491-2"><br><br>  
    <iframe class="no-tran" width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247675033&color=639B56&auto_play=false&buying=false&liking=false&download=false&sharing=false&show_comments=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&show_artwork=false"></iframe>  
    <p align=left> <br>   
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> What can I get for you? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> I need one large vegetarian pizza and three medium pepperoni pizzas, please.<br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Sure. Our vegetarian comes with tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms. Is that okay? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Hmm...is it possible to get green peppers instead of hot peppers? <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> No problem. Would you like regular crust or thin crust? <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Lets go with regular crust for the vegetarian and thin for the pepperonis. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza: </i>Sure. Can I interest you in any wings, garlic bread, or soda today? <br>  
    <i>Jack: </i>No, I think that will be everything. <br>  
    <i>Barry's Pizza:</i> Alright. Your total comes to $53.55. Our driver should have that to you in about 30 minutes. <br>  
    <i>Jack:</i> Great. Thank you.</p>  
    modifié par Gricenkoia .
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04 mar. de 06:30 to 19:11