Bilješke -
Last inspected
Last inspected
Zadnje pregledana -
Prazno -
Upgrade required
Upgrade required
Potrebna nadogradnja -
This feature is for Pro users only. For just $15 per year you can upgrade and instantly unlock all features. You can also then have up to 1000 hives.
This feature is for Pro users only. For just $15 per year you can upgrade and instantly unlock all features. You can also then have up to 1000 hives.
Ova mogućnost je samo za Pro korisnike. Za samo 15$ godišnje možete nadograditi i instantno otključati sve mogućnosti. Tada možete imati i do 1000 košnica. -
Upgrade now
Upgrade now
Nadogradi sada -
Hive limit reached
Hive limit reached
Limit košnica dostignut -
As you have a free acccount you are limited to a maximum of %d hives. At the moment you have %d hives. If you need more hives, you can upgrade your account.
As you have a free acccount you are limited to a maximum of %d hives. At the moment you have %d hives. If you need more hives, you can upgrade your account.
Kako imate besplatan korisnički račun limitirani se na maksimalni broj košnica od %d . Trenutno imate %d košnica. Ako trebate veći broj, nadogradite korisnički račun. -
Add Harvest
Add Harvest
Dodaj vrcanje -
Moisture (%)
Moisture (%)
Vlaga (%) -
Nectar source
Nectar source
Izvor nektra -
List Harvests
List Harvests
Lista vrcanja -
Edit Harvest
Edit Harvest
Uredi vrcanje -
Vrcanja -
Are you sure you want to delete this harvest?
Are you sure you want to delete this harvest?
Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovo vrcanje? -
New Harvest
New Harvest
Novo vrcanje -
Vrcanje -
Harvest Date
Harvest Date
Datum vrcanja -
Masa -
Batch code
Batch code
Grupni kod
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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