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What's all this then?
What's all this then?
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Hi, I'm Matt and I made Beetight. I am a new beekeeper (just starting my second season). I have two colonies, which I keep in my garden in Cornwall, in the south-west of England. I wrote this because there didn't seem to be any decent bee record keeping software out there and I find it really hard to keep track of paper records, even with my two hives. As my day job is developing web applications I thought I'd try and make a simple site to manage records of inspections and so on.
Hi, I'm Matt and I made Beetight. I am a new beekeeper (just starting my second season). I have two colonies, which I keep in my garden in Cornwall, in the south-west of England. I wrote this because there didn't seem to be any decent bee record keeping software out there and I find it really hard to keep track of paper records, even with my two hives. As my day job is developing web applications I thought I'd try and make a simple site to manage records of inspections and so on.
So what does it do?
So what does it do?
I set out to replace the paper or spreadsheet-based records that most beekeepers seem to use, so its first job is to handle records of inspections. I spent some time looking at examples of record sheets and tried to take the best of them. To that end, it records laying pattern and temperament on a six-point scale. You can also say whether you have seen the queen, or eggs. There is space to record any queen cells spotted, or whether there are excessive drone cells. You can record varroa drop counts, as well as any treatments that you may have given. You can keep track of when and how much you have fed them and lots of other stuff. I keep adding new features because everyone asks me for them!
I set out to replace the paper or spreadsheet-based records that most beekeepers seem to use, so its first job is to handle records of inspections. I spent some time looking at examples of record sheets and tried to take the best of them. To that end, it records laying pattern and temperament on a six-point scale. You can also say whether you have seen the queen, or eggs. There is space to record any queen cells spotted, or whether there are excessive drone cells. You can record varroa drop counts, as well as any treatments that you may have given. You can keep track of when and how much you have fed them and lots of other stuff. I keep adding new features because everyone asks me for them!
And what about the extra features?
And what about the extra features?