If you want to upgrade, just click the button once you've signed-up.
If you want to upgrade, just click the button once you've signed-up.
Ja vēlies uzlabot kontu, vienkāršu nospied podziņu pēc reģistrēšanās. -
We hate spam. We will never share your email address with anyone, or send you messages without your consent. For more details, see our %s.
We hate spam. We will never share your email address with anyone, or send you messages without your consent. For more details, see our %s.
Mums nepatīk spams un mēs nekad tavu e-pasta adresi citiem nedosim un bez tavas piekrišanas ziņas nesūtīsim. Sīkāk - %s. -
Subscribe to newsletter
Subscribe to newsletter
Pierakstīties jaunumiem -
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View Account
Apskatīt kontu -
For reasons of server load, you can only add a maximum of 50 hives at one time. Please start with a smaller number. You can add more straight after if needed.
For reasons of server load, you can only add a maximum of 50 hives at one time. Please start with a smaller number. You can add more straight after if needed.
Dažādu iemeslu dēļ, kas saistīt ar servera slodzi, ir iespējams pievienot tikai 50 stropus vienā piegājienā. Lūdzu sāc ar mazāku skaitu un, ja nepieciešams, papildus stropus var pievienot uzreiz pēc tam. -
Error getting weather
Error getting weather
Kļūda iegūstot laika apstākļus -
Click the map to specify the location of the apiary. Alternatively, you may manually enter latitude and longitude using decimal degrees.
Click the map to specify the location of the apiary. Alternatively, you may manually enter latitude and longitude using decimal degrees.
Dravas vietu vari norādīt vienkārši uzspiežot uz kartes. Vai arī vari ierakstīt decimālus garuma un platuma grādus ar roku. -
Print hive labels
Print hive labels
Drukāt stropu apzīmējumus -
Click the button above to print labels for all %d hives in the apiary. They will print as one hive per page, and this text will not be visible when printed.
Click the button above to print labels for all %d hives in the apiary. They will print as one hive per page, and this text will not be visible when printed.
Nospied augstāk redzamo pogu, lai izdrukātu apskates lapas visiem %d stropiem dravā. Tās tiks izdrukātas katram stropam uz savas lapas un šis teksts uz lapām nebūs redzams. -
You can use this form to add up to 50 hives at once with the same information. There are fewer options than if you were to add each one individually, but it will save a lot of time if you have to add a large number. You can of course change the details later if needed.
You can use this form to add up to 50 hives at once with the same information. There are fewer options than if you were to add each one individually, but it will save a lot of time if you have to add a large number. You can of course change the details later if needed.
Vari izmantot šo formu, lai pievienotu līdz 50 stropiem vienā piegājienā. Protams, ir mazāk parametru, ko stropiem var norādīt, bet šādi var ietaupīt daudz laika un atlikušos parametrus, ja nepieciešams, var norādīt pēc tam - katram stropam atsevišķi. -
Copyright © Matt Kane 2010-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Matt Kane 2010-2017. All rights reserved.
Autortiesības © Matt Kane 2010-2017. Visas tiesības aizsargātas. -
The app supports any device running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or higher.
The app supports any device running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or higher.
Aplikācija ir atbalstīta uz ierīcēm ar Android versiju 4.2 (Jelly Bean) vai jaunākām. -
The Beetight app for Android lets you access and add inspection details wherever you are. Upload photos, view apiaries on a map and instantly identify your hives by scanning barcodes. It works even without a network connection, syncing when you are next online. \t\t\t\t The app is free for all Beetight Pro users and can be downloaded from Google Play.
The Beetight app for Android lets you access and add inspection details wherever you are. Upload photos, view apiaries on a map and instantly identify your hives by scanning barcodes. It works even without a network connection, syncing when you are next online.
\t\t\t\t The app is free for all Beetight Pro users and can be downloaded from Google Play.Beetight aplikācija Android ierīcēm ļauj piekļūt stropu pierakstiem no jebkuras vietas. Tāpat ir iespējams ielādēt bildes, apskatīt dravas kartē un identificēt stropus, noskanējot to apzīmējumus. Tas viss darbojas arī bez pieejas internetam, visu vajadzīgo informāciju sinhronizējot pie nākamās pieslēgšanās. Aplikācija visiem Pro lietotājiem ir bez maksas un var tikt ielādēta no Google Play veikala. -
How to upgrade
How to upgrade
Kā uzlabot -
Other ways to upgrade
Other ways to upgrade
Citi uzlabošanas veidi -
You can also subscribe within the app, using in-app purchase on iOS or Android
You can also subscribe within the app, using in-app purchase on iOS or Android
Tu vari abonēt arī izmantojot aplikācijas iespējas savā iOS vai Android ierīcē