Your ticket has been validated. Please enter your new password below
Your ticket has been validated. Please enter your new password below
Paroles atjaunošanas saite ir derīga. Lūdzu ievadiet jauno paroli lauciņos zemāk -
Your ticket is lost or expired.
Your ticket is lost or expired.
Paroles atjaunošanas saite nav derīga. Iespējams, ka tai ir beidzies derīguma termiņš. -
Unknown user or wrong password
Unknown user or wrong password
Nezināms lietotājs vai nepareiza parole -
Laipni lūdzam! -
Visu labu -
The user has been saved
The user has been saved
Lietotāja informācija ir saglabāta -
The user could not be saved. Please try again.
The user could not be saved. Please try again.
Neizdevās saglabāt lietotāja informāciju. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz. -
Please enter your current login details to continue.
Please enter your current login details to continue.
Lai turpinātu, ievadi pieteikšanās informāciju. -
Your settings have been changed
Your settings have been changed
Tavi iestatījumi ir izmainīti -
The email could not be changed. Please try again.
The email could not be changed. Please try again.
Neizdevās nomainīt e-pasta adresi. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz. -
The password has been saved
The password has been saved
Parole ir saglabāta. -
The password could not be changed. Please try again.
The password could not be changed. Please try again.
Neizdevās nomainīt paroli. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz. -
Invalid user
Invalid user
Nederīgs lietotājs -
User deleted
User deleted
Lietotājs dzēsts -
Welcome to Beetight!
Welcome to Beetight!
Laipni lūdzam Beetight! -
Sorry, there was a problem.
Sorry, there was a problem.
Diemžēl radās kļūda. -
Sorry, but those passwords don't match. Please try again.
Sorry, but those passwords don't match. Please try again.
Ievadītās paroles nesakrīt. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz. -
Your email has been used in a password reset request at Beetight
Your email has been used in a password reset request at Beetight
Beetight lapā tika veikts pieprasījums atjaunot paroli ar tavu e-pasta adresi. -
If you didn't request this then don't worry: you're getting this message, not them.
If you didn't request this then don't worry: you're getting this message, not them.
Ja to nepieprasīji tu, tad nav par ko uztraukties, jo šo ziņu saņem tu, nevis tā persona, kas veica pieprasījumu. -
Click the link below to reset your password:
Click the link below to reset your password:
Atver zemāk esošo saiti, lai atjaunotu paroli:
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