Forage locations
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Beekeeping software and hive records for iPhone and iPad
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Beetight for Android is free for Beetight Pro users. If you need to upgrade to Beetight Pro, this costs just $15 per year.
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The Beetight app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch lets you access and add inspection details wherever you are. Upload photos, view apiaries on a map and instantly identify your hives by scanning barcodes. It works even without a network connection, syncing when you are next online.
The app is free for all Beetight Pro users and can be downloaded from the App Store. -
Beetight for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch links seamlessly with to download all of your hive and inspection details so that they are immediately at your fingertips wherever you are. Record inspection details on your device even if you have no phone or Wifi connection.
Because all of your data is stored on your phone, Beetight for iPhone & iPad is blazingly fast. No need to wait for slow mobile networks: each hive loads instantly, and each inspection is added with a tap.
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