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49 e-mail addresses were notified.
New segments were added to the project
50 e-mail addresses were notified.
New segments were added to the project
4 files imported to database on
15 translation were changed in Portuguese, Italian, Estonian, German, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czech, Lithuanian, Hindi, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Hebrew, English-based Creole or Pidgin West African Pidgin, Urdu and Punjabi, Pakistan via the API on
5 files were updated via the API on
2 segments were changed on
2 translation were changed in English via the API on
Manager via the API.
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2 new segments were added to
Alarms because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
JakobW changed 5 translations in English-based Creole or Pidgin West African Pidgin on TheocBase.
See changes »
Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Diaspora because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
TheocBase because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
MD. ABU HASAN joined the project Manager
LT Core because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Simon updated the language sl-SI - Slovenian, Slovenia to sl-SI - Slovenian, Slovenia on CollimationCircles.
This language is now flagged as “important”. Any change in the text of this language will flag the translations in other languages as “to verify” on CollimationCircles.
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