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01 fév. ‘13 18:25
Jcsmsoft created the project Pedometer Plus - Android App.
01 fév. ‘13 15:07
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
01 fév. de 02:03 to 14:32
11 files imported to database on bem-tools. See changes »
01 fév. de 02:09 to 14:15
5 translation were changed in German via the API on Manager. See changes »
01 fév. ‘13 13:14
Alex created a discussion: notifications.index.and_others on Diaspora.
01 fév. de 12:15 to 13:09
Alex changed 20 translations in German and Esperanto on Diaspora. See changes »
01 fév. ‘13 13:07
Alex created a discussion: notifications.reshared on Diaspora.
01 fév. ‘13 12:46
Alex joined the project Diaspora as Translator with super proofreading rights. Alex was invited by Jonne Haß.
01 fév. de 12:19 to 12:28
Alex voted on 2 term translations on Diaspora’s TermBase in allemand. See changes »
01 fév. ‘13 11:56
Alex joined the project Diaspora as Translator with super proofreading rights. Alex was invited by Jonne Haß.
01 fév. ‘13 07:18
Alexander commented on a discussion: vip_description on xabber classic.
01 fév. ‘13 07:11
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
01 fév. de 06:59 to 07:01
Vadim Kotov changed 3 translations in Russian, Russia on xabber classic. See changes »
01 fév. ‘13 06:50
Vadim Kotov joined the project xabber classic as Translator . Vadim Kotov was invited by Alexander.
01 fév. ‘13 06:50
Vadim Kotov joined the project xabber classic as Translator . Vadim Kotov was invited by Alexander.
01 fév. de 04:39 to 06:10
Alexander changed 98 translations in English, Russian, Russia, German, Germany and French on xabber classic. See changes »
01 fév. de 01:21 to 01:28
Bojan changed 20 translations in Serbian on Diaspora. See changes »
01 fév. de 12:53 to 01:23
Bojan voted on 26 term translations on Diaspora’s TermBase in serbe. See changes »
01 fév. de 12:52 to 01:23
Bojan added 19 new term translations to Diaspora’s TermBase in serbe. See changes »
01 fév. de 12:28 to 00:43
Bojan changed 5 translations in Serbian on Diaspora. See changes »
01 fév. ‘13 00:26
Bojan joined the project Diaspora as Translator with super proofreading rights. Bojan was invited by Jonne Haß.
01 fév. de 12:15 to 00:16
Lubos Hasko changed 2 translations in English on Manager. See changes »
01 fév. de 12:15 to 00:16
Lubos Hasko added 2 new segments to Manager. See changes »
31 jan. de 11:09 to 23:37
Lubos Hasko changed 2 translations in English on Manager. See changes »
31 jan. de 11:09 to 23:37
Lubos Hasko added 2 new segments to Manager. See changes »