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These projects are looking for translators. Select a project and request an invitation to get started.

24 jan. ‘13 18:48
(A deleted user) commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.
24 jan. ‘13 15:07
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 15:05
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
24 jan. de 02:34 to 14:44
Torben changed 18 translations in Danish on Manager. See changes »
24 jan. de 01:36 to 13:40
Peter changed 7 translations in Polish on Apps. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 13:36
Peter joined the project Apps as Translator with super proofreading rights. Peter was invited by Kristell.
24 jan. ‘13 11:41
Benoit Hediard added 1 target file to Apps. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 11:41
The Polish (pl) language was added to the project Apps.
24 jan. de 11:39 to 11:40
Peter changed 3 translations in Bulgarian on Apps. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 11:35
Peter joined the project Apps as Translator with super proofreading rights. Peter was invited by Kristell.
24 jan. ‘13 10:42
Kristell changed 1 translations in French on Apps. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 07:06
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
24 jan. ‘13 05:55
Lubos Hasko commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.
23 jan. de 11:36 to 23:42
Peili changed 39 translations in German on Divego Meeting. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 23:31
Peili deleted the file en.js in Divego Meeting. These children files have also been deleted:
  • de.js
23 jan. ‘13 23:30
1 file imported to database on Divego Meeting. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 23:30
Peili added a new master file to Divego Meeting. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 23:30
Peili added 1 target file to Divego Meeting. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 23:05
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 22:29
Travis Ames commented on a discussion: sales_document.invoices.due_on_receipt on OneUp Public Localization.
23 jan. de 09:22 to 22:06
Ricardo Maldonado changed 46 translations in Spanish on OneUp Public Localization. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 21:20
Ricardo Maldonado joined the project OneUp Public Localization as Translator with super proofreading rights. Ricardo Maldonado was invited by Thomas.
23 jan. de 05:22 to 20:39
Shlomo Anchi changed 143 translations in Hebrew on Diaspora. See changes »
23 jan. ‘13 18:20
Jonne Haß commented on a discussion: notifier.invited_you on Diaspora.