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28 nov. de 06:26 to 19:27
Dominik Podlaski changed 143 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
28 nov. ‘12 17:43
Ach94er changed 1 translations in Armenian (Eastern) on Diaspora. See changes »
28 nov. de 04:18 to 16:57
Dominik Podlaski changed 35 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
28 nov. de 03:02 to 15:10
danielwine changed 6 translations in Hungarian on Diaspora. See changes »
28 nov. de 11:45 to 12:07
vyktor changed 24 translations in Spanish and Spanish, Mexico on Diaspora. See changes »
27 nov. de 09:13 to 21:14
Dominik Podlaski changed 2 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
27 nov. de 04:24 to 16:37
Dominik Labuda changed 30 translations in Slovak on xabber classic. See changes »
26 nov. de 09:06 to 21:12
Diego* changed 10 translations in Spanish, Argentina on Diaspora. See changes »
26 nov. de 04:22 to 16:53
Dominik Podlaski changed 38 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
26 nov. de 12:15 to 14:40
Dominik Labuda changed 208 translations in Slovak on xabber classic. See changes »
26 nov. de 01:37 to 13:37
1 file imported to database on Diaspora. See changes »
26 nov. de 01:36 to 13:36
A file was updated via the API on Diaspora. See changes »
26 nov. ‘12 12:20
Dominik Labuda joined the project xabber classic as Translator with super proofreading rights. Dominik Labuda was invited by Alexander.
26 nov. ‘12 12:13
Dominik Labuda joined the project xabber classic as Translator with super proofreading rights. Dominik Labuda was invited by Alexander.
26 nov. de 12:02 to 12:02
Alexander added 32 target files to xabber classic. See changes »
26 nov. ‘12 12:02
The Czech (cs) language was added to the project xabber classic.
26 nov. ‘12 12:02
The Slovak (sk) language was added to the project xabber classic.
26 nov. de 08:52 to 08:53
3 translation were changed in Swedish via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
25 nov. de 09:55 to 21:56
danielwine changed 2 translations in Hungarian on Diaspora. See changes »
25 nov. de 06:31 to 19:02
Ach94er changed 18 translations in Armenian (Eastern) on Diaspora. See changes »
25 nov. ‘12 18:58
Jonne Haß commented on a discussion: blocks.create.failure on Diaspora.
25 nov. ‘12 18:44
Ach94er created a discussion: blocks.create.failure on Diaspora.
25 nov. de 05:21 to 17:21
1 file imported to database on Diaspora. See changes »
25 nov. de 05:21 to 17:21
A file was updated via the API on Diaspora. See changes »
25 nov. ‘12 17:04
Ach94er commented on a discussion: Projet on Diaspora.