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15 nov. ‘12 23:19
Sergey Belov deleted the file README.md in bem-tools. These children files have also been deleted:
  • README.en.md (deleted 2012-11-16 00:08:57 +0100 via API)
15 nov. de 11:19 to 23:19
1 file imported to database on bem-tools. See changes »
15 nov. de 11:19 to 23:19
Sergey Belov added a new master file to bem-tools. See changes »
15 nov. ‘12 23:08
Sergey Belov deleted the file README.md in bem-tools. These children files have also been deleted:
  • README.en.md
15 nov. ‘12 22:58
Sergey Belov changed 1 translations in English on bem-tools. See changes »