European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
He said his armed forces – we called them Tchetniks
He said his armed forces – we called them Tchetniks
Disse che le sue forze armate - le abbiamo chiamate Tchetniks -
and that was also their formal name – surrendered to our soldiers.
and that was also their formal name – surrendered to our soldiers.
e quello era anche il loro nome formale - si arrendevano ai nostri soldati. -
Because we were from all over Slovenia and from Croatia, and there weren’t any of these locals in our brigade.
Because we were from all over Slovenia and from Croatia, and there weren’t any of these locals in our brigade.
Poiché eravamo da tutta la Slovenia e dalla Croazia e non c'era nessuno di quegli autoctoni nella nostra brigata. -
That’s basically how they saved their lives.
That’s basically how they saved their lives.
Questo è in pratica il modo in cui hanno salvato le loro vite. -
There were also Partisans from Cacak and they knew these people;
There were also Partisans from Cacak and they knew these people;
C'erano anche Partigiani da Cacak e loro conoscevano questa gente; -
but the Partisans and Tchetniks didn’t really got well on together at the time. This man brought some plans to Mesic.
but the Partisans and Tchetniks didn’t really got well on together at the time. This man brought some plans to Mesic.
ma i Partigiani e i Tchetniks non andavano molto d'accordo in quel momento. Quest'uomo portava alcuni piani a Mesic. -
Before he got to see Mesic though, he was stripped naked and searched by our guards;
Before he got to see Mesic though, he was stripped naked and searched by our guards;
Prima che potesse vedere Mesic, però, è stato spogliato e perquisito dalle nostre guardie; -
we had to make sure he wasn’t carrying any weapons before he was allowed to see our commanding officer Mesic.
we had to make sure he wasn’t carrying any weapons before he was allowed to see our commanding officer Mesic.
dovevamo assicurarci che non avesse armi prima che gli fosse permesso di vedere il nostro ufficiale in comando Mesic. -
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
Gli porse una lettera. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparare -
from such and such a position at particular locations where the Germans were best organized.
from such and such a position at particular locations where the Germans were best organized.
da questa o quella posizione in luoghi particolari dove i tedeschi erano meglio organizzati. -
It also was written that the Tschetniks, the Serbs, would surrender to our unit.
It also was written that the Tschetniks, the Serbs, would surrender to our unit.
Vi era stato anche scritto che gli Tschetniks, i serbi, si sarebbero arresi alla nostra unità. -
Our commanders, Mesic fell for it;
Our commanders, Mesic fell for it;
I nostri comandanti, Mesic si infervorarono per questo; -
and so our troops began with the preparations and then with the attack on those particular stated locations.
and so our troops began with the preparations and then with the attack on those particular stated locations.
e così le nostre truppe iniziarono con i preparativi e poi con l'attacco a quei precisi luoghi prescelti. -
Well, there were no Germans there.
Well, there were no Germans there.
Ebbene, lì non c'erano tedeschi. -
The Tschetniks attacked us from behind and they massacred the Partisans from behind.
The Tschetniks attacked us from behind and they massacred the Partisans from behind.
I Tschetniks ci hanno attaccato da dietro e hanno massacrato da dietro i Partigiani. -
We lost 700 men in one night and one day in that slaughter.
We lost 700 men in one night and one day in that slaughter.
Abbiamo perso 700 uomini in una notte e un giorno in quel massacro. -
When it was all over, I wasn’t in the headquarter brigade at the time yet,
When it was all over, I wasn’t in the headquarter brigade at the time yet,
Quando tutto finì, non ero ancora nella Brigata del Quartier generale in quel momento, -
but I was still in the troop and we had a mobilization in Cacak.
but I was still in the troop and we had a mobilization in Cacak.
ma ero ancora in truppa e avevamo una mobilitazione a Cacak. -
Upon our arrival to Belgrade, well we were there for only a short while, we were at Topcinder.
Upon our arrival to Belgrade, well we were there for only a short while, we were at Topcinder.
Al nostro arrivo a Belgrado, beh eravamo solo per poco lì, eravamo a Topcinder. -
We were split up in battle and some of us went to Bosnia, some of us went up towards Srem, towards Sid, and we went to Drvar.
We were split up in battle and some of us went to Bosnia, some of us went up towards Srem, towards Sid, and we went to Drvar.
Siamo stati divisi in battaglia e alcuni di noi sono andati in Bosnia, alcuni sono saliti verso Srem, verso Sid e noi siamo andati a Drvar.