European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro.
Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro.
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro.Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro.
Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro.
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