WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
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Descargar todos los archivos %{locale_name} -
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Traducciones principales » -
‘%{term}’ at WordReference.com
‘%{term}’ at WordReference.com
"%{term}" en WordReference.com -
In all languages
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En todos los idiomas -
%{source_locale} to %{target_locale}
%{source_locale} to %{target_locale}
%{source_locale} a %{target_locale} -
Terminology Database
Terminology Database
Base de datos terminológica -
Descripción -
Part of speech
Part of speech
Parte del discurso -
Grammatical category of the word: noun, verb, n., v…
Grammatical category of the word: noun, verb, n., v…
Categoría lingüística de la palabra: sustantivo, verbo,... -
Término -
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Term Details
Term Details
Detalles de término -
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Sugerir una traducción -
One term needing vote or translation %{count} terms needing vote or translation oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1One term needing vote or translation
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} terms needing vote or translation
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Un término pendiente de voto o traducción
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} términos pendientes de voto o traducción
Show all terms
Show all terms
Mostrar todos los términos -
We will permanently remove all files, segments, translations, history, discussions and terms.
We will permanently remove all files, segments, translations, history, discussions and terms.
Vamos a eliminar permanentemente todos los archivos, segmentos, traducciones, historial, discusiones y términos. -
We will permanently delete %{projects_count} projects and their data.
We will permanently delete %{projects_count} projects and their data.
Vamos a eliminar permanentemente %{projects_count} los proyectos y sus datos.
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