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1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on
(A deleted user) commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.
6 translation were changed in German via the API on
Flo renamed the following files in [Old] Manager:
1 file imported to database on
Flo renamed the following files in Apps:
1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on - messages.properties is now apps.properties
- messages_ady.properties (deleted 2013-03-27 15:58:26 +0100 by kristell@agorapulse.com) is now apps_ady.properties
- messages_bg.properties is now apps_bg.properties
- messages_cs.properties is now apps_cs.properties
- messages_cs-CZ.properties is now apps_cs-CZ.properties
- messages_da.properties is now apps_da.properties
- messages_de.properties is now apps_de.properties
- messages_el.properties is now apps_el.properties
- messages_es.properties is now apps_es.properties
- messages_fi-FI.properties is now apps_fi-FI.properties
- messages_fr.properties is now apps_fr.properties
- messages_he-IL.properties is now apps_he-IL.properties
- messages_hr-HR.properties is now apps_hr-HR.properties
- messages_hu.properties is now apps_hu.properties
- messages_it.properties is now apps_it.properties
- messages_ja.properties is now apps_ja.properties
- messages_ko.properties is now apps_ko.properties
- messages_nl.properties is now apps_nl.properties
- messages_pl.properties (deleted 2013-04-26 11:35:26 +0200 by kristell@agorapulse.com) is now apps_pl.properties
- messages_pl-PL.properties is now apps_pl-PL.properties
- messages_pt.properties is now apps_pt.properties
- messages_pt-BR.properties is now apps_pt-BR.properties
- messages_ro.properties (deleted 2013-04-26 11:34:16 +0200 by kristell@agorapulse.com) is now apps_ro.properties
- messages_ro-RO.properties is now apps_ro-RO.properties
- messages_ru.properties is now apps_ru.properties
- messages_sk.properties is now apps_sk.properties
- messages_sl-SI.properties is now apps_sl-SI.properties
- messages_sr-RS.properties is now apps_sr-RS.properties
- messages_sv.properties is now apps_sv.properties
- messages_tr-TR.properties is now apps_tr-TR.properties
Serafino joined the project OneUp Public Localization
with super proofreading rights.
Serafino was invited by Travis Ames.
1 file imported to database on
1 file imported to database on
Honza joined the project Diaspora
with super proofreading rights.
Honza was invited by Jonne Haß.
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