web_translate_it gem v released
By Edouard on 10 février 2011
I just released a new version of our synchronisation client for Web Translate It. The Web Translate It client (also known as wti
) is a powerful command line tool to synchronise your local translation files with the Web Translate It service.
Many bug fixes and small improvements were made since the version
. Here’s what new in a nut:
wti pull
is much fasterNew command:
wti addlocale
to add new locales to your project. You can also chain locales, for instance:wti addlocale fr en es
wti server
is now logging tolog/webtranslateit.log
New courtesy option:
. You can use it when you upload language files en masse. Your files will be processed when Web Translate It’s server are idle. Use it like so:wti push --all --low_priority
For more information, I invite you to have a look at the detailed changelog.
To upgrade to the latest version, gem install web_translate_it
Are you a Microsoft Windows user? We now have some installation instructions for you.
Edit: web_translate_it
contains a small bug, which has been fixed in