Maintenance window on Saturday, April 16th, 7AM UTC

By Edouard on 12 avril 2011

Web Translate It will be unavailable for a about an hour on Saturday, April 16th, 7:00 UTC as we will release an important update to the service. The downtime won’t exceed 1 hour.

This downtime is needed to improve Web Translate It’s architecture in order to deliver new features, as well as improving the service’s performance.

In order to do this, we need to migrate some of the data hosted on Web Translate It to a new architecture. We have a lot of data, and we estimate migrating the 6.1 million strings to the new architecture to take about 45 minutes.

This upgrade will bring interesting new features, such as locales subclassing (for instance en-US is a sub-locale of en), as well as allowing the creation of custom locales for a specific territory or use-case (you will be able to create locales such as en_GB_Singapore_Event or en_Pirate or anything you like). More information about these features will be announced later.

As always, you should follow @webtranslateit on Twitter for live updates.

EDIT 14th April: The maintenance window planned next saturday is cancelled.