New in WebTranslateIt: Flag a bunch of changes as minor

By Edouard on 1 mars 2012

You probably know that updating the source text of a segment automatically flags its related translations as “to verify”.

This is a great feature, because if you slightly change the sense of a phrase, chances are that the translations need to be slightly changed and reviewed by a translator, too.

But if you’re only fixing a typo or making a minor change you probably don’t want the related translations to be reviewed.

On the web interface, you can simply flag a single change as “minor change” when editing the source text from the web interface, but until today it wasn’t possible to do so with a batch of strings pushed via the API.

I just released an update to WebTranslateIt’s File API, Translation API, the File Manager and wti, the open-source synchronization tool.

File API

On the File API, the Update File endpoint gets a new optional parameter: minor_changes.

Setting minor_changes to true flags the string changes as minor changes, and target translations won’t be flagged as “to verify”.

Translation API

On the Create Translation endpoint, a new optional minor_change attribute lets you choose whether a change in the source translation should flag its translations as “to verify”.

Web Interface

On the web interface, the File Manager lets you set that option, too.

wti tool

Finally, I released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for WebTranslateIt.

The latest version 1.9.6 has a new --minor option you can use with wti push. In order to upload minor changes you can now do: wti push --minor.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.