4 new features to WebTranslateIt

By Edouard on 8 avril 2013

We added a bunch of new features and refinements to the interface during these last two weeks.

Operations in all locales (for managers)

Managers can now perform some operations in all locales:

Operation in all locales

Operation in all locales

Filter segments last updated by… the API

The new “last updated by” filter introduced a few weeks ago is immensely useful. It lets you filter segments by who translated it last. We added a new option to this filter which lets you filter segments by the segments which were last updated by the API.

Last Updated By API

Term and TermTranslation autocompletion

This is one of my favourite new feature. When adding a new term to the TermBase, you can now ask WebTranslateIt to auto-complete its definition and part-of-speech fields (if your source language is compatible with our dictionaries)

Just click on “autocomplete term” to automatically complete the definition and part-of-speech.

Term Autocompletion 1

You can then review and amend the definition, and save the term.

Term Autocompletion 1

The same suggestions system exists for completing term translations.

Better interface for creating and updating a segment

Finally, we also refined the interface for creating and updating a segment. These actions should now report better error messages, and you can now also review the segment you just added or removed

UX for adding new segment

I hope you will find these improvements useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.