web_translate_it rubygem v2.1.3 released

By Edouard on 25 avril 2013

I released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for Web Translate It.

wti synchronization tool


This new version fixes an issue installing the gem with JRuby and rubygems 2.0.3.


This new version improves the error message displayed when a file is not available for push. A file isn’t available for push (the API returns the HTTP status code 503 when an import is already in progress for that file.

This locking mechanism prevents a file from being imported twice at the same time, which would cause synchronization problems on a project.

wti error message

This new version also adds the ability to initialize a project with this command in one line: wti init <api_token>, and improves error handling when running a wti command outside of a directory containing a WebTranslateIt configuration file.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

As usual, upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version by typing in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.