New in WebTranslateIt: Revert Batch Operations

By Edouard on 5 février 2014

Did it ever happen to run a batch operation and immediately realizing that it wasn’t running on the correct subset and wishing you could undo the damage on your project?

We added a new feature that complements batch operations: you can now revert batch operations.

You will find this new feature on the page listing the changes made by the batch operation shortly after running a batch operation.

This button will be visible to managers if the batch operation was a batch operation running on translations (that is, an operation which is one of proofread, unproofread, pretranslate, flag as to verify, translate complete matches, copy text from source or remove translation) and if it was run less than 5 hours ago. We think reverting older batch operations than that could cause problems on your project if other people were working on it at the same time.

We hope you will find this feature useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.