New in WebTranslateIt: Improvements to PHP Laravel and JSON files support

By Estelle on 19 septembre 2017

We released an update to the language file handler on WebTranslateIt. We improved the Laravel file handler and the JSON file handler. Other improvements will come along the way.

Support for short-hand arrays in PHP Laravel files

WebTranslateIt now supports short-hand arrays in PHP Laravel files.

Instead of uploading PHP Laravel files containing arrays defined like this:

return array(
  'foo' => array(
    'subject' => 'Test'
  'bar' => array(
    'subject' => 'Test 2'

You can now upload and download language files looking like that:

return [
  'foo' => [
    'subject' => 'Test'
  'bar' => [
    'subject' => 'Test 2'

Custom indentation for JSON files

WebTranslateIt indents all the language files with spaces 😂 but we believe that it is a matter of taste and we shouldn’t impose our spaces indentation. It also makes huge diffs when you download back your language files to version control.

Starting today when uploading a JSON file it detects which kind of indentation you are using (2 spaces, 4 spaces, 1 tab, 2 tabs) and it saves this information to database. When generating your JSON language file we will put your original indentation back on.

More importantly, we laid the ground work for having this feature working for all files handlers. We’ll add custom indentation support for all the other file formats soon.

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