New in WebTranslateIt: E-mail notifications about segments to verify and to proofread

By Edouard on 30 octobre 2017

Today we released another of our most requested features. As many of you know, it is possible to receive e-mail notifications about new segments to translate.

If you don’t know about it, it’s super easy to set up. Go to your project settings and look for “Events » Check for new segments to work on”, select a frequency (daily or hourly) and who to notify.

Until today this feature was only sending e-mail notifications about new segments being added to a project. But what about segments needing proofreading or verification?

From now on, we will now send e-mails about segments being modified and needing to be worked on like for instance new segments to proofread or new segments to verify.


There has been some changes in the project WebTranslateIt. Here’s what needs to be done:

In French:

– WebTranslateIt

Also, if you are a user having translation rights to multiple languages you will get a notification e-mail about the multiple languages.

Hi Edouard,

There has been some changes in the project WebTranslateIt. Here’s what needs to be done:

In German:

In English:

In Spanish:

In French:

In Italian:

In Russian:

In Swedish:

– WebTranslateIt

Note: We initially released this feature on the 25th of September but rolled it back due to our user’s feedback. We re-released it today with the ability to fine-tune what gets sent to our users. You can now control if you want your users to receive e-mails about new segments to translate, or about segments to proofread or to verify.

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

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