Better Support for i18next v1, v2 and v3 language files

By Edouard on 12 septembre 2018

We just released an improvement to our i18next support. If you don’t know it, i18next is a Javascript library to help internationalizing apps written in JavaScript.

Its file formats have changed quite a bit since its inception, with 3 versions which differ quite a bit for languages with complex plural forms. Up to today WebTranslateIt supported only the first version of the language files. We now support all of them.

Now, projects set up before the 10th of September 2018 will keep using i18next v1 by default. Projects set up after September 2018 are using i18next v3 by default. You can change the version of i18next you are using in the File Manager.

Click on “Rename/Details” to see the details of your language file.

And select which version of the i18next you’d like to use.

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.