More API improvements

By Edouard on 9 janvier 2010

I just updated the API with a few improvements and a new endpoint.


The locale endpoint, which allows you to fetch a list of locales accepted by your project is now capable of returning xml, json or yaml by simply appending the format you want at the end of the URL.

For example, if you want your list of locales in YAML, you would call /api/projects/04b254da22a6eb301b103f848e469ad494eea47d/locales.yaml and it would return something like so:

- name: French, France
  code: fr_FR

New Endpoint: Project information

This new endpoint can be very useful to develop an advanced integration between Web Translate It and your application.

It returns 5 things:

  • the project name,
  • a list of locales accepted by the project,
  • the project source locale,
  • the language file ids and names.

The data is available in xml, json or yaml.

An example of the data structure in YAML would be:

  name: Web Translate It
    name: English, United Kingdom
    code: en_GB
  - name: French, France
    code: fr_FR
    type: Locale
  - name: fr.yml
    id: 1175
  - name: en.yml
    id: 1174

I hope these improvements will make easier for everyone to integrate Web Translate It with their application and develop awesome extensions.

For detailed API specifications, check API Information on Web Translate It.