Search Improvements

By Edouard on 25 février 2010

Search is the second most used feature on Web Translate It, after the translation interface itself, and until today, it was rather cumbersome.

Simple Search

I introduced a new way of searching for strings on Web Translate It: Simple Search. This is the default way of searching, and it is really efficient and easy to use.

To search, just type something in the search box displayed on all project pages: it can be text or a key. The search engine with search for strings in the current language (instead of in all languages like previously), and display them right in the translation interface, ready to be translated, edited or proofread.

If you are used to search with the previous system, you will notice it is so much more convenient that before. You basically do the same thing with 3 times less clicks. You will save a lot of time.

Advanced search

There is now a second way to search for a string: Advanced Search, for more advanced users. Click on the little cog brings you to the Advanced Search page.

There, you can do a very precise search queries with many criterias: in which language you want to search, what you are looking for (anything, key, text and developer comment).

This is great way to search for strings on a large project. On top of that you can also use advanced search queries to find more precisely what you are looking for.

I hope you will enjoy this improvement, thank you for using Web Translate It!