The WebTranslateIt Blog · Page 38

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt · Page 38

Introducing WTIpress, a Wordpress plugin for WebTranslateIt

By Edouard on 25 octobre 2011

Today I am introducing WTIpress. WTIpress is a free Wordpress plugin for WebTranslateIt that makes your blog multilingual in a few clicks.

It syncs with and lets you translate your blog posts and pages using the service, and then lets you publish the translated posts.

This is great tool, especially if you already use to translate your software. All your translation work will be at the same place and you will be able to reuse your terminology and Translation Memory. Besides, WTIpress doesn’t require translators to have access to your blog admin.


Setup the plugin and make your Wordpress blog multilingual in a few clicks.

Synchronize your posts and pages to translate with

Translate your posts using

Your blog’s original version can be found at

And its French version at

Looking good? Give it a try and report bugs if you find any.

WTIpress is open-source and released under the GPL license. The source code can be found on Github.

New embeddable charts

By Edouard on 21 octobre 2011

We’ve had embeddable charts for years now, but it was then only possible to embbed them for public projects (these are projects have all pages accessible to the public and allowing visitors to apply as a translator).

We now have new charts embeddable for just any project. Here’s mine:

You’ll find the new charts in your project settings, under “Goodies”.

New in WebTranslateIt: Translation Resources

By Edouard on 17 octobre 2011

Translation Resources is a new feature to fine-tune the content of your Translation Memory.

In the project settings, you’ll find 2 new settings under the “Translation Resources” tab.

Fine-tuneable Project Translation Memory

Your Project Translation Memory is now configurable.

Select the projects you want to re-use, and suggestions from these projects will be displayed as you translate.

Use another Term Base

We sometimes work on several projects having the same terminology: for instance a web app and a mobile app for the same company. And in this case we’d like to be able to reuse the Terminology Database from one project over to another.

You can now select the Term Base you want to use in the TermBase settings.

I hope you will find this new feature useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

Changes to the machine translation and support for Bing Translator API

By Edouard on 11 octobre 2011

There was a lot of chatter about Google closing its Google Translate API recently. In fact, Google won’t shut down their API but will turn it as a paying service on the first of December.

It doesn’t make a financial sense for me to keep supporting this API for all WebTranslateIt customers, so I decided to make this machine translation service optional, and to add another optional machine translation service: Bing Translator, which as this time, remains entirely free.

Setting up Google Translate and Bing Translator

Starting today, you won’t get any machine translation suggestions when you edit a segment. However, you will find in your project settings two new fields for your Google Translate API and Bing Translator API tokens.

This is really easy to set up:

  1. Go to your project settings.
  2. Scroll down to the “Machine Translation” section and get your API tokens using the links provided and paste them in the respective fields.
  3. Save your project settings, and that’s it!

Don’t hesitate to contact support if you have any troubles setting this up. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

Maintenance window on Saturday, October 8th 10AM CET

By Edouard on 7 octobre 2011

Web Translate It will be unavailable for about 10 minutes tomorrow Saturday, October 8th, 10:00 CET as I move the service to our new host Softlayer.

Softlayer’s network and connectivity is entirely redundant and renown to be excellent. This will make Web Translate It’s website even more reliable and accessible to users.

UPDATE: We’ll postpone the server migration to another day, as I am stuck with last-minutes problems on the new server.

UPDATE2: Server problems are now sorted. I’ll reschedule the server migration on Sunday the 9th, 10AM CET.