The WebTranslateIt Blog

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt

New file format supported: Apple .stringsdict

By Edouard on February 13, 2017

You can now translate Apple .stringsdict files with WebTranslateIt.

.stringsdict files are files used for iPhone applications to define language plural forms.

Here’s an Apple .stringsdict file example:

<plist version="1.0">
            <string>%d file remaining</string>
            <string>%d files remaining</string>

We hope you will find this new file format useful. It was the file format the most requested so far. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

New file format supported: react-intl

By Edouard on February 13, 2017

You can now translate react-intl JavaScript files with WebTranslateIt.

react-intl files are JSON files which are parsed in a specific way by WebTranslateIt. Descriptions will be extracted out and displayed as a developer instructions.

    "key.confirmation.title": {
        "description": "{variable} Title for that dialog",
        "message": "Hello"

We hope you will find this new file format useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

Translation Memory Improvements

By Edouard on February 13, 2017

In the past few months we have been working on improvements to the Translation Memory on WebTranslateIt. Here’s what’s new.

Improved User Interface

We improved the design of the translation suggestions coming from the Translation Memory or Machine Translation. It should now be clearer to see where the results come from. We also added the date this suggestion was translated. Moreover, if the results comes from your own Translation Memory (as opposed to the Global Translation Memory) you should also see the author’s name.

Listing all suggestions

Selecting a suggestion highlights it in yellow.

Better Suggestion Quality

We also reworked the algorithm used to fetch translation suggestions. The new algorithm should be much better at finding Complete Matches and at finding suggestions for very short sentences or for segments containing code.

It also means that the Complete Matches Batch Operations should be working much better now too.

We hope you will find these improvements useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

Introducing Reporting

By Edouard on March 10, 2016

Today we are introducing a new feature for all projects. We have actually been beta-testing this feature since a few months now and it is now ready. We call it Reporting.

Reporting is a new way to see at a glance the whole translation work of your translation team in a specific time frame. This is useful if you have a team of translators to pay, for instance.

You will find this new feature under the Language & Stats tab on the new Reporting sub-tab.

In order to use it, start by selecting a time frame (for instance we want to see all the translations made on the WebTranslateIt project between January 1st to March 8th).

It is also possible to filter by a specific language, and change the unit of count used for billing (segments, words or characters).

Finally, by clicking on “View Details” you get to see exactly the changes made by the translator. This is useful if you want to verify the translation work that was done.

But that’s not it! We made Reporting global and work across projects. On your dashboard you will notice a new “Reporting” tab.

This reporting feature works the same way the project reporting does, except it runs on several projects at the same time.

On that page you will see a report of translations made across the projects, grouped by translators, detailing the changes made by that translator by project. This is useful if translate several projects at the same time.

I hope you will find the new Reporting feature useful. You will find more information about Reporting in the documentation. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

New in WebTranslateIt: Download and upload teams

By Edouard on February 25, 2016

We released a new feature for people sharing large teams across projects: the ability to download and upload teams.

In any projects, under the “Users” tab, managers will now find a new “Import and Export” sub-tab.

On that page you are able to download a .csv file of the whole team (project members and invitees, or either of them). The spreadsheet file you download lists all the useful information you need to contact or invite a member of your project to another project.

That .csv file can be edited, names can be added or removed, and you can upload that .csv file to another project to copy the whole team to another project.

Project members will be automatically invited to the new projects. Invitees will get a new invitation to the new project. Also, as a security measure it isn’t possible add a person as a member if she isn’t a collaborator to your organization already. You basically can’t make an unknown person a member out of the blue.

I hope you will find this new feature useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.