JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
Logging in…
Logging in…
Prihlasovanie… -
Your connection is not encrypted
Your connection is not encrypted
Vaše pripojenie je nešifrované -
Your connection is encrypted.
Your connection is encrypted.
Vaše pripojenie je šifrované -
Your contact closed the private connection.
Your contact closed the private connection.
Váš kontakt ukončil súkromné pripojenie -
Start private
Start private
Začať súkromný -
Close private
Close private
Ukončiť súkromný -
Your contact is verified.
Your contact is verified.
Váš kontakt je overený -
You only have a one-way subscription.
You only have a one-way subscription.
Authentication query sent.
Authentication query sent.
Požiadavka na autentizáciu odoslaná. -
Your message was not sent. Please end your private conversation.
Your message was not sent. Please end your private conversation.
Vaša správa nebola odoslaná. Ukončite prosím súkromnú konverzáciu. -
Unencrypted message received
Unencrypted message received
Bola prijatá nezašifrovaná správa -
Not available
Not available
Nedostupné -
No connection!
No connection!
Žiadne pripojenie! -
Opätovné prihlásenie -
Trying to start private conversation!
Trying to start private conversation!
Overené -
Neoverené -
Private conversation aborted!
Private conversation aborted!
Your contact closed the private conversation! You should do the same.
Your contact closed the private conversation! You should do the same.
Conversation is now verified.
Conversation is now verified.
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