
  1. You contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact, enter the secret.
    You contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact,  enter the secret.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. 聯絡人想要確定她/他是在跟真的你說話。要完成你的認證,請輸入你們之間的祕密。


    modifié par Yongjhen, Hong .
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  3. 聯絡人想要確定她/他是在跟真的你說話。要完成你的驗證,請輸入你們之間的祕密。


    modifié par Yongjhen, Hong .
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  4. Your contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact, enter the secret.
    Your contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact,  enter the secret.
    modifié par Klaus Herberth .
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  5. Your contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact, enter the secret.
    Your contact is attempting to determine if they are really talking to you. To authenticate to your contact, enter the secret.
    modifié par Klaus Herberth .
    Copier dans le presse-papier