redsolution/xabber classic
Key phrases
Key phrases
Sleutelzinnen -
Add phrase
Add phrase
Voeg zin toe -
Delete phrase
Delete phrase
Verwijder zin -
Do you really want to delete phrase: %s?
Do you really want to delete phrase: %s?
Wil je echt verwijderen: "%s"? -
Text to search for
Text to search for
Tekst om te zoeken -
Regular expression
Regular expression
Regular expression -
Sound Choose notification sound
Choose notification soundGeluid
Kies meldingsgeluid -
< Any text >
< Any text >
< Tekst > -
Contact's Jabber ID part
Contact's Jabber ID part
Jabber-ID van contact -
Part of the contact group
Part of the contact group
Deel van de contacten-groep
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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