redsolution/xabber classic
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Authorization settings
Nastavenia autorizácie -
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s vás pozýva do konferencie %3$s. Pripojiť sa z účtu %1$s? -
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s: %4$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s: %4$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s vás pozýva do konferencie %3$s: %4$s. Pripojiť sa z účtu %1$s? -
© Redsolution LTD, 2010-2014
© Redsolution LTD, 2010-2014
© Redsolution LTD, 2010-2014 -
Mail: - -
Version: %s
Version: %s
Verzia: %s -
License: GNU GPLv3 <a href="">Open source software</a>
License: GNU GPLv3
<a href="">
Open source software</a>
Licencia: GNU GPLv3<a href="">
Software s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom</a>
Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freedom!) and ad-free, Xabber is designed to be the best Jabber client for Android. Features: - Multiple accounts - Quick switch between simultaneous chats - Rich visibility settings for contacts and groups - Compatible with all standard XMPP servers - Pre-configured support of Gtalk, Facebook chat, Livejournal chat, Vkontakte, Ya.Online, Google Apps Gtalk accounts - Multi user chat (MUC) - Chat history - Export history to SD card - Server side message archive support - Emoticons - Inline hyperlink support (web pages, YouTube, e-mail, phone numbers, XMPP Uri) - Avatars - View contact's information (vCard) - Grouping contacts by groups and/or accounts - Contact list management: add/remove/edit contacts, groups, subscriptions - Contact search - Integration into phone's contact list (call from the chat and chat from the phone contact list) - Notification setting for each contact - Notifications based on key phrase - Full Unicode support, chat in any language - Portrait and landscape views - Stream compression (not all servers supported for now) - Resources/priorities - OTR encription - TLS support - Legacy SSL support - SASL support - Check for the server certificate - SRV record and DNS round robin support - Client software icons in contact list (Adium, Empathy, Gajim, Gtalk, iChat, Miranda, Pidgin, Psi, QIP, Xabber, Xabber VIP) - Typing notification support - Message delivery receipts - Shortcut to a chat on home screen List of supported (pre-configured) services: - GTalk (Google Talk, Google Apps accounts are supported too) - Windows Live Messenger / MSN (Android 2.2 or higher required) - Facebook chat - Livejournal chat - VKontakte - Ya.Online - QIP - Odnoklassniki Coming soon: - Tablet interface - File transfer Supported protocols: RFC-3920: Core RFC-3921: Instant Messaging and Presence XEP-0030: Service Discovery XEP-0128: Service Discovery Extensions XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities XEP-0054: vcard-temp XEP-0153: vCard-Based Avatars XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat (incompletely) XEP-0078: Non-SASL Authentication XEP-0138: Stream Compression XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery XEP-0199: XMPP Ping XEP-0147: XMPP URI Scheme Query Components XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts XEP-0155: Stanza Session Negotiation XEP-0059: Result Set Management XEP-0136: Message Archiving XEP-0224: Attention Check Xabber Development version for new functionality. Source code of Xabber is available at under GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter.Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freedom!) and ad-free, Xabber is designed to be the best Jabber client for Android. Features: - Multiple accounts - Quick switch between simultaneous chats - Rich visibility settings for contacts and groups - Compatible with all standard XMPP servers - Pre-configured support of Gtalk, Facebook chat, Livejournal chat, Vkontakte, Ya.Online, Google Apps Gtalk accounts - Multi user chat (MUC) - Chat history - Export history to SD card - Server side message archive support - Emoticons - Inline hyperlink support (web pages, YouTube, e-mail, phone numbers, XMPP Uri) - Avatars - View contact's information (vCard) - Grouping contacts by groups and/or accounts - Contact list management: add/remove/edit contacts, groups, subscriptions - Contact search - Integration into phone's contact list (call from the chat and chat from the phone contact list) - Notification setting for each contact - Notifications based on key phrase - Full Unicode support, chat in any language - Portrait and landscape views - Stream compression (not all servers supported for now) - Resources/priorities - OTR encription - TLS support - Legacy SSL support - SASL support - Check for the server certificate - SRV record and DNS round robin support - Client software icons in contact list (Adium, Empathy, Gajim, Gtalk, iChat, Miranda, Pidgin, Psi, QIP, Xabber, Xabber VIP) - Typing notification support - Message delivery receipts - Shortcut to a chat on home screen List of supported (pre-configured) services: - GTalk (Google Talk, Google Apps accounts are supported too) - Windows Live Messenger / MSN (Android 2.2 or higher required) - Facebook chat - Livejournal chat - VKontakte - Ya.Online - QIP - Odnoklassniki Coming soon: - Tablet interface - File transfer Supported protocols: RFC-3920: Core RFC-3921: Instant Messaging and Presence XEP-0030: Service Discovery XEP-0128: Service Discovery Extensions XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities XEP-0054: vcard-temp XEP-0153: vCard-Based Avatars XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat (incompletely) XEP-0078: Non-SASL Authentication XEP-0138: Stream Compression XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery XEP-0199: XMPP Ping XEP-0147: XMPP URI Scheme Query Components XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts XEP-0155: Stanza Session Negotiation XEP-0059: Result Set Management XEP-0136: Message Archiving XEP-0224: Attention Check Xabber Development version for new functionality. Source code of Xabber is available at under GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter.Jabber (XMPP) klient zadarmo s podporou viacerých účtov a čistým a jednoduchým prostredím. Tým, že je Xabber zadarmo a bez reklám je navrhnutý tak, aby bol najlepším Jabber klientom pre Android.
- Viacero účtov
- Rýchle prepínanie medzi prebiehajúcimi rozhovormi
- Bohaté možnosti zobrazenia pre kontakty a skupiny
- Kompatibilný so všetkými štandardnými XMPP servermi
- Predkonfigurovaná podpora pre Gtalk, Facebook chat, Livejournal chat, Vkontakte, Ya Online, Google Apps Gtalk účty
- Viacužívateľský rozhovor (MUC)
- História rozhovorov
- Exportovanie histórie na SD kartu
- Podpora archívu serverových správ
- Emotikony
- Podpora inline hypertextových odkazov (web, YouTube, e-mail, telefónne čísla, XMPP Uri)
- Avatary
- Zobrazenie informácií kontaktov (vCard)
- Triedenie kontaktov podľa skupín a/alebo účtov
- Správa zoznamu kontaktov: pridať/odstrániť/upraviť kontakty, skupiny, odbery
- Vyhľadávanie kontaktov
- Integrácia do zoznamu kontaktov v telefóne (volajte z chatu a chatujte z telefónneho zoznamu kontaktov)
- Nastavenie notifikácie pre každý kontakt
!!- Notifications based on key phrase
- Plná Unicode podpora, píšte v akomkoľvek jazyku
- Režim na výšku aj na ležato
- Kompresia dátového toku (nie všetky servery zatiaľ podporované)
- Zdroje/priority
- OTR šifrovanie
- Podpora TLS
- Podpora Legasy SSL
- Podpora SASL
- Kontrola certifikátu servera
- Podpora SRV záznamu a DNS round robin
- Ikony klientského softwaru v zozname kontaktov (Adium, Empathy, Gajim, Gtalk, iChat, Miranda, Pidgin, Psi, QIP, Xabber, Xabber VIP)
- Podpora notifikácie "píše"
- Správy o doruční
- Skratka na chat na domovskej obrazovke
Zoznam podporovaných (predkonfigurovaných) služieb:
- GTalk (Google Talk, Google Apps účty sú podporované tiež)
- Windows Live Messenger / MSN (Android 2.2 alebo vyššie)
- Facebook chat
- Livejournal chat
- VKontakte
- Ya Online
- Odnoklassniki
- Rozhranie pre tablety
- Prenos súborov
Podporované protokoly:
RFC-3920: Core
RFC-3921: Instant Messaging and Presence
XEP-0030: Service Discovery
XEP-0128: Service Discovery Extensions
XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities
XEP-0054: vcard-temp
XEP-0153: vCard-Based Avatars
XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat (incompletely)
XEP-0078: Non-SASL Authentication
XEP-0138: Stream Compression
XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery
XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery
XEP-0199: XMPP Ping
XEP-0147: XMPP URI Scheme Query Components
XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications
XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts
XEP-0155: Stanza Session Negotiation
XEP-0059: Result Set Management
XEP-0136: Message Archiving
XEP-0224: Attention
Pozrite Xabber Vývojovú verziu pre novú funkcionalitu.
Zdrojový kód Xabberu je dostupný na pod licenciou GNU GPLv3.
Pre viac informácií navštívte našu webovú stránku alebo sledujte @xabber_xmpp na twittri. -
Multi-account XMPP (Jabber) client.
Multi-account XMPP (Jabber) client.
Viacúčtový XMPP (Jabber) klient. -
Xabber -
Xabber VIP
Xabber VIP
Xabber VIP -
VIP version of Xabber — great open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean and simple interface. Xabber is designed to be the best Jabber client for Android. This VIP version of Xabber is in no way any better than regular version of Xabber, gold coin on an application icon being it's only distinct feature. It is very useful to show off how gorgeous you are when buying something that anyone can get for free. ...
VIP version of Xabber — great open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean and simple interface. Xabber is designed to be the best Jabber client for Android.
This VIP version of Xabber is in no way any better than regular version of Xabber, gold coin on an application icon being it's only distinct feature. It is very useful to show off how gorgeous you are when buying something that anyone can get for free.
...VIP verzia Xabber - skvelý Jabber (XMPP) klient s podporou multi-účtov a čistým a jednoduchým prostredím. Xabber je navrhnutý tak, aby bol najlepším Jabber klientom pre Android.
Táto VIP verzia Xabber nie je o nič lepšia ako bežná verzia Xabber, zlatá minca v ikone aplikácie je jediný rozdiel medzi verziami. Je veľmi užitočné ukázať ako božský ste, keď kupujete vec, ktorú môže mať každý zadarmo.
... -
Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! Source code of Xabber is available at under the GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to:
Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface.
You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first!
Source code of Xabber is available at under the GNU GPLv3 license.
For more information visit our website or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter.
If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.comExperimentálna (možno NESTABILNÁ) verzia Xabber - Jabber (XMPP) klienta zadarmo s podporou viacerých účtov a čistým prostredím.
Môžete nainštalovať túto verziu ak nám chcete pomôcť testovať a vyvíjať Xabber. Stabilita nie je garantovaná, takže ak nemáte náladu na dobrodružstvo, použite bežnú verziu. Ale ak RADI riskujete, získate nové funkcie skôr!
Zdrojový kód Xabberu je dostupný na pod licenciou GNU GPLv3.
Pre viac informácií navštívte našu webovú stránku alebo nás sledujte na twittri @xabber_xmpp.
Ak máte nejaké chyby alebo múdre nápady na zaslanie, prosím píšte na: -
Xabber Development Version
Xabber Development Version
Xabber Vývojová Verzia -
+ New Hebrew, Japanese, Swedish translations * A lot of translations updates * Minor fixes Thank you folks!
+ New Hebrew, Japanese, Swedish translations
* A lot of translations updates
* Minor fixes
Thank you folks!+ Nove Hebrejské, Japonske, Švédske preklady
* Viac aktualizovaných prekladov
* Malé opravy
Ďakujem, priatelia! -
+ TOR support using Orbot + Proxy support + Belarusian, Persian, Italian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Chinese - China, Chinese - Taiwan translations * Notification in Android 4+ fixed * Server side history fixed * Exit from Xabber fixed * Translations fixed * Minor fixes Thank you folks!
+ TOR support using Orbot
+ Proxy support
+ Belarusian, Persian, Italian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Chinese - China, Chinese - Taiwan translations
* Notification in Android 4+ fixed
* Server side history fixed
* Exit from Xabber fixed
* Translations fixed
* Minor fixes
Thank you folks!+ Podpora TOR pomocou Orbot
+ Podpora proxy
+ Bieloruský, Perzský, Taliansky, Portugalský, Ukrajinský, Čínsky preklad
* Opravené notifikácie v Androide 4+
* Opravená história na strane serveru
* Opravené ukončenie Xabberu
* Opravené preklady
* Menšie opravy
Ďakujeme Vám! -
Open source XMPP (Jabber) client with multi-account support
Open source XMPP (Jabber) client with multi-account support
Open source XMPP (Jabber) klient s podporou viacero kont -
Nastavenia -
Theme settings Appearance settings
Theme settings
Appearance settingsTémy
Nastavenia vzhľadu