Fulmine Software/Compass
Location accuracy
Location accuracy
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Be careful during translation. This text is displayed on Android 6 and up system.
It instructs user that he needs to allow location permission.
If you have Android 6 or higher os, please check the translation to your language of "Permission" button in compass app's settings on your device and use the same word for consistency.
Similarly, please check there "Location" permission name in your language to use the same for consistency.Allow location permissionAllow location permission -
Turn on location service
Turn on location service
Waiting for location…
Waiting for location…
Used to indicate that true north is off.
Important notice: keep it as short as possible since there is not too much place to display this text.
Max length: 8, but the shorter, the better.OFFOFF
Address not available
Address not available
Status bar notification turned on
Status bar notification turned on
Status bar notification turned off
Status bar notification turned off
Be careful during translation. This text is displayed on Android 6 and up system.
It instructs user that he needs to allow location permission to view location and true heading.
If you have Android 6 or higher os, please check the translation to your language of "Permission" button in compass app's settings on your device and use the same word for consistency.
Similarly, please check there "Location" permission name in your language to use the same for consistency.Allow location permission to display location and true headingAllow location permission to display location and true heading
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Show buttons for adding location based alarm (requires Alarms app)
Show buttons for adding location based alarm (requires Alarms app)