Fulmine Software/Compass
Лагерь -
Пляж -
Передатчик -
Грибы -
Велик -
The container used in geocaching, please see this wikipedia page and choose your language to see how it is named in your language.
Кэш -
The simplest navigation tool pointing to your destination
The simplest
navigation tool pointing
to your destinationПростейший
навигационный инструмент
для прокладки курса -
Compass in status bar
in status barКомпас
в статусбаре -
Details in notification
in notificationДетали
в уведомлении -
Responsive and accurate Simple, but feature rich
Responsive and accurate
Simple, but feature richОтзывчивый и точный
Простой, но функциональный -
Quick access to destinations
Quick access
to destinationsБыстрый доступ
к месту назначения -
Plenty of app themes
Plenty of
app themesМножество
тем приложения -
Course scale
Course scale
Шкала курса -
No need to remember heading
No need
to remember headingНет надобности
помнить курс -
Notification visible on the lock screen
Notification visible
on the lock screenУведомление отображается
на экране блокировки -
Works with any screen orientation
Works with any screen orientation
Работает в любой ориентации дисплея -
Компас -
Application name of Pro version. Please translate it and start from capital letter. Please do not capitalize all letters in "Pro" suffix. Do not translate "Pro" suffix unless it is common to differently name it in your language.
Compass ProCompass Pro
Компас Про -
Short promotional text. If translation is too long to fit in 80 characters, please ommit the word „very”. If it's still too long than skip the word „offline”.
Very accurate compass with offline navigation and status bar notification!Very accurate compass with offline navigation and status bar notification!
Очень точный компас с оффлайн навигацией и уведомлениями в статусбаре! -
If translation of words "Material Design" sounds strange or is not understandable in your language, please leave them untranslated.
Very responsive, accurate and simple but feature rich compass – lightweight offline navigation tool which works all over the world. It has clear, readable and intuitive Material Design user interface.Very responsive, accurate and simple but feature rich compass – lightweight offline navigation tool which works all over the world. It has clear, readable and intuitive Material Design user interface.
Очень отзывчивый, точный и простой, но многофункциональный компас - облегченный автономный навигационный инструмент, который работает во всем мире. Он имеет понятный, читаемый и интуитивно понятный пользовательский интерфейс Material Design.