European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Project Activity
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-08.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-07.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-06.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-05.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/en/subtitles/vincent-pascucci/vincent-pascucci-09.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-04.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-02.yml was deleted via the API in
The file locales/de/project_partners.yml was deleted via the API in
50 files imported to database on
50 files imported to database on
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-03.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/shortbio.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/era.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/alenka-gerlovic-01.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
- locales/de/subtitles/alenka-gerlovic/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/quotes.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/images.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
Laurens Nienhaus deleted the file locales/de/countries.yml in European Resistance Archive (ERA).
These children files have also been deleted:
50 files imported to database on
44 new master files were added to
22 target files were added via the API to
50 target files were added via the API to
50 target files were added via the API to
50 target files were added via the API to
50 target files were added via the API to
50 new master files were added to - locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
- locales/de/
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