European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
General Stüplinen befahl, dass für jeden getöteten Deutschen 100 Widerstandskämpfer erschossen werden sollten. -
We identified 1015 corpses of people who had been shot between 1941 and 1944.
We identified 1015 corpses of people who had been shot between 1941 and 1944.
Wir identifizierten 1015 Leichen von Personen, die zwischen 1941 und 1944 erschossen wurden. -
It was an execution place.
It was an execution place.
Es war ein Ort der Exekution. -
The Germans couldn’t move anymore, as all the streets leading there were barricaded by the resistance.
The Germans couldn’t move anymore, as all the streets leading there were barricaded by the resistance.
Die Deutschen konnten sich nicht mehr bewegen, weil alle Straßen dorthin von der Résistance verbarrikadiert waren. -
Some Germans were in the Paris water works. They had intended to blow up the water basins, but they were caught.
Some Germans were in the Paris water works. They had intended to blow up the water basins, but they were caught.
Ein paar Deutsche waren in den Pariser Wasserwerken. Sie wollten die Wasserbecken sprengen aber sie wurden gefangen. -
So there was a prisoner exchange between those Germans
So there was a prisoner exchange between those Germans
Es gab also einen Gefangenenaustausch von diesen Deutschen -
and the last prisoners the Germans had taken, and had no nerve to shoot.
and the last prisoners the Germans had taken, and had no nerve to shoot.
und den Gefangenen den die Deutschen zuletzt noch gemacht hatten, die sie sich aber nicht mehr trauten zu erschießen. -
That is how we found out exactly what had happened to Louis Meunier.
That is how we found out exactly what had happened to Louis Meunier.
So fanden wir heraus was genau mit Louis Meunier geschehen war. -
Back to the Nazis in Mont Valérien: They refused to give themselves up to the resistance.
Back to the Nazis in Mont Valérien: They refused to give themselves up to the resistance.
Die Nazis in Mont Valérien weigerten sich, sich der Résistance zu ergeben. -
One of them said they would only give themselves up to the regular army.
One of them said they would only give themselves up to the regular army.
Einer von ihnen sagte, dass sie sich nur der regulären Armee ergeben würden. -
Our commander went to see Colonel Rémy from the Leclerc Division,
Our commander went to see Colonel Rémy from the Leclerc Division,
Unser Kommandant traf sich mit Colonel Rémy von der Leclerc-Division, -
who had been quarantined in the Bois de Boulogne with his brigade.
who had been quarantined in the Bois de Boulogne with his brigade.
der mit seiner Panzerbrigade in Bois de Boulogne einquartiert war. -
Colonel Rémy went up to the fort and they gave themselves in.
Colonel Rémy went up to the fort and they gave themselves in.
Colonel Rémy fuhr mit einem Panzer zum Fort und die Deutschen ergaben sich. -
I didn’t have much time to enjoy the liberation.
I didn’t have much time to enjoy the liberation.
Ich hatte nicht viel Zeit die Befreiung zu genießen. -
During the transition period, I was responsible for the security of Raymond Barbet,
During the transition period, I was responsible for the security of Raymond Barbet,
In der Übergangszeit war ich für die Sicherheit von Raymond Barbet zuständig, -
who was responsible for the resistance of the railroad workers.
who was responsible for the resistance of the railroad workers.
der einer der Verantwortlichen für die gesamte Résistance der Bahnarbeiter war. -
He had organized the insurrection-strike of the railroad workers on August 10th, 1944, sparking the nation-wide insurrection.
He had organized the insurrection-strike of the railroad workers on August 10th, 1944, sparking the nation-wide insurrection.
Er hatte den Aufstandsstreik der Bahnarbeiter am 10. August 1944 organisiert, der zum landesweiten Aufstand führte. -
I was responsible for his safety, as still collaborators and other dangers were lurking.
I was responsible for his safety, as still collaborators and other dangers were lurking.
Ich war für seine Sicherheit verantwortlich, da es immer noch Kollaborateure gab und andere Gefahren lauerten. -
I myself went up to the fort on August 28th, August 29th.
I myself went up to the fort on August 28th, August 29th.
Am 28. August 1944 reiste ich zum Fort. -
We were organized militarily
We were organized militarily
Wir waren militärisch organisiert