Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.
Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.
Invece di tornare indietro, salutò e andò a Klagenfurt.
Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.
Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.Instead of going back, he said good bye and went to Klagenfurt.
Invece di tornare indietro, salutò e andò a Klagenfurt.Invece di tornare indietro, salutò e andò a Klagenfurt.
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