so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
allora si improvvisava delle barelle, delle specie di barelle e li portavano così, degli scaletti, come si dice... delle scale, quattro uomini e li portavano così,
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
allora si improvvisava delle barelle, delle specie di barelle e li portavano così, degli scaletti, come si dice... delle scale, quattro uomini e li portavano così,allora si improvvisava delle barelle, delle specie di barelle e li portavano così, degli scaletti, come si dice... delle scale, quattro uomini e li portavano così,
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