This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,
This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,
Quelli che dovevano scappare avevano solo un numero, non avevano fotografie, non erano stati catalogati bene.
This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,
This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,This one who was to escape had a number, prisoners did not have any photographs, were not catalogued,
Quelli che dovevano scappare avevano solo un numero, non avevano fotografie, non erano stati catalagati bene.Quelli che dovevano scappare avevano solo un numero, non avevano fotografie, non erano stati catalagati bene.
Quelli che dovevano scappare avevano solo un numero, non avevano fotografie, non erano stati catalogati bene.Quelli che dovevano scappare avevano solo un numero, non avevano fotografie, non erano stati catalogati bene.
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