If it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody died
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
If it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody died
If it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody died
Se qualcuno avesse notato che era stato lui a fare questo certificato e che qualcuno era morto
If it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody diedIf it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody died
If it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody diedIf it had been noticed, that he was a person who made out this birth certificate and that somebody died
Se qualcuno avesse notato che era stato lui a fare questo certificato e che qualcuno era mortoSe qualcuno avesse notato che era stato lui a fare questo certificato e che qualcuno era morto
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