European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I was under police supervision for five years – that was in the verdict.
I was under police supervision for five years – that was in the verdict.
Per cinque anni rimasi sotto sorveglianza, come stabiliva il verdetto. -
Any day they could have taken you again, as you could not leave Germany.
Any day they could have taken you again, as you could not leave Germany.
Avrebbero potuto riarrestarmi in un qualsiasi momento, perché non potevo uscire dalla Germania. -
A friend, whom I had been illegally working with, got me a job.
A friend, whom I had been illegally working with, got me a job.
Un amico mi procurò un lavoro. Insieme lavorammo illegalmente. -
He was one of the music group members.
He was one of the music group members.
Era del gruppo musicale. -
There were tickets for everything.
There were tickets for everything.
Ancora una cosa: C'erano tessere annonarie per tutto. -
And when I came out, friends or comrades had collected:
And when I came out, friends or comrades had collected:
Quando mi rilasciarono, gli amici e i compagni con cui avevo lavorato, o che mi conoscevano, avevano fatto una raccolta: -
butter, one of them must have slaughtered a chicken
butter, one of them must have slaughtered a chicken
un po' di burro; uno aveva anche sgozzato un pollo. -
You were directly helped, so the one who was released had a decent welcome.
You were directly helped, so the one who was released had a decent welcome.
Si veniva subito aiutati. Dopo la detenzione si riceveva un'accoglienza dignitosa. -
We could not celebrate his release, but give support like this.
We could not celebrate his release, but give support like this.
Non si poteva festeggiare alcuna festa, ma si riceveva del sostegno. -
A day in Börgermoor
A day in Börgermoor
Una giornata nella palude di Börgermoor -
We were woken up around 6 a.m., I think.
We were woken up around 6 a.m., I think.
Ci svegliavano alle 6 circa. -
Then everything had to be done fast:
Then everything had to be done fast:
Poi dovevamo sbrigarci: -
make the beds, have a wash, go to the toilet, which was in some sort of shed around the back.
make the beds, have a wash, go to the toilet, which was in some sort of shed around the back.
fare i letti, lavare e andare in bagno, che era dentro una baracca. -
Then the food was given out.
Then the food was given out.
Poi veniva distribuito il cibo. -
We got half a litre of soup, the daily ration of bread, a little bit of fat and jam.
We got half a litre of soup, the daily ration of bread, a little bit of fat and jam.
Ci davano mezzo litro di zuppa, la razione giornaliera di pane, un po' di grasso e marmellata. -
Brown bread and white bread were mixed.
Brown bread and white bread were mixed.
Pane nero e bianco erano mischiati. -
Then there was roll call; all high speed.
Then there was roll call; all high speed.
Poi c'era l'appello; tutto si svolgeva in tempi record. -
After that we went out to work, there we had to muster.
After that we went out to work, there we had to muster.
Poi iniziava il lavoro fuori e ci adunavano. -
I used to be at the well draft most of the time.
I used to be at the well draft most of the time.
Per la maggior parte del tempo lavoravo nel gruppo che riempiva le buche. -
There were about 500 prisoners and they were counted again.
There were about 500 prisoners and they were counted again.
Eravamo circa 500 prigionieri. Poi si contava di nuovo.