European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
You were nothing to them; you were less than a bug.
You were nothing to them; you were less than a bug.
per cui tu sei niente nei confronti di loro, per loro vali meno di un insetto. -
It’s shocking.
It’s shocking.
Bada che è una cosa terribile, cioè non era... -
Maybe we weren’t prepared for this,
Maybe we weren’t prepared for this,
forse non eravamo preparati a questo, non eri preparata a questo, -
but it was the reaction of a young girl who by then had already suffered from bombings,
but it was the reaction of a young girl who by then had already suffered from bombings,
però è la reazione di una ragazza di pochi anni che già ha sofferto bombardamenti, -
from seeing soldiers being captured.
from seeing soldiers being captured.
ha sofferto vedere i soldati presi fatti prigionieri, -
The older men, who had fought in the First World War, were talking about concentration camps.
The older men, who had fought in the First World War, were talking about concentration camps.
i nostri uomini anziani che avevano fatto la Prima Guerra Mondiale che dicevano: “Ma se li portano in campo di concentramento...”. -
My father used to tell us that we had to feed my brother otherwise these beasts would let him die of hunger.
My father used to tell us that we had to feed my brother otherwise these beasts would let him die of hunger.
Che io... papà diceva che a mio fratello ci dovevamo sempre mandare da mangiare perché se no lo facevano morire di fame, questi che sono delle belve chissà che cosa gli fanno, capisci? -
We had to help them.
We had to help them.
Bisogna cercare di aiutarli. -
You suffer terribly from these things you’re facing.
You suffer terribly from these things you’re facing.
Cioè di fronte a queste cose che ti fanno soffrire maledettamente, -
In the end they are just like you.
In the end they are just like you.
perché in definitiva sono dei ragazzi come te, -
You don’t know what their future will be, you risk your own life to help them.
You don’t know what their future will be, you risk your own life to help them.
che non hanno, cioè non sai qual è il loro futuro, cerchi di aiutarli... metti in pericolo anche la tua vita per aiutarli. -
We went on the street as we saw a soldier and we escorted him out of danger,
We went on the street as we saw a soldier and we escorted him out of danger,
Noi andavamo per la strada quando vedevamo un soldato lo accompagnavamo fuori dai posti pericolosi, -
since there were road blocks everywhere.
since there were road blocks everywhere.
perché c’erano ovunque i posti di blocco, capisci? -
Our old men even carried them on the crossbar of their bicycles for a while,
Our old men even carried them on the crossbar of their bicycles for a while,
E addirittura gli uomini, i nostri uomini anziani, con le biciclette, li mettevano sulla canna e cercavano di portarli (perché andavano a piedi, poveretti), -
so that they could rest a little and stay out of trouble.
so that they could rest a little and stay out of trouble.
li cercavano di portare per un periodo di strada, per un percorso di strada che potessero almeno riposarsi ed essere fuori dai pericoli. -
You realize immediately that it’s something terrible.
You realize immediately that it’s something terrible.
Ti trovi di fronte a questa realtà che ti colpisce immediatamente... ti rendi conto che veramente è una cosa orrenda, -
That the antifascists were right in what they were saying.
That the antifascists were right in what they were saying.
è qualche cosa di terribile che ti colpisce e ti rendi conto quanto sia valido ciò che ti hanno detto gli antifascisti. -
Still, until then, we hadn’t been helping people for political reasons.
Still, until then, we hadn’t been helping people for political reasons.
Perché fino a quel momento, come dire, non era la ragione politica che ci portava a salvare i ragazzi, ecc... -
We were rather doing it for humanitarian principles: as a woman, you saved another woman’s son,
We were rather doing it for humanitarian principles: as a woman, you saved another woman’s son,
era più l’umanità, capisci? Tu donna salvi il figlio di un’altra donna, era questo che ci spingeva -
that’s what got us to face danger, too.
that’s what got us to face danger, too.
anche a incorrere in fatti pericolosi;