European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
She barely saved herself from the burning building.
She barely saved herself from the burning building.
She barely saved her life from the burning building. -
It was the first night that she was staying in the apartment she got from the housing administration.
It was the first night that she was staying in the apartment she got from the housing administration.
It was the first night that she was staying in the apartment that she attained from the housing administration. -
My mother was left with nothing from what had been, before,
My mother was left with nothing from what had been, before,
My mother was left with nothing of what had before been -
I’ve supported myself as an art teacher, initially in high schools and then, following the reorganization of the schooling system, in elementary schools.
I’ve supported myself as an art teacher, initially in high schools and then, following the reorganization of the schooling system, in elementary schools.
I’ve supported myself as a professor of art, initially at high schools and then, following the reorganization of the schooling system, in elementary schools. -
Up to my retirement in 1969, when I finally found my true calling.
Up to my retirement in 1969, when I finally found my true calling.
All up to my retirement in 1969, when I finally found my true calling. -
Partisan Vito, Alenka's husband
Partisan Vito, Alenka's husband
Partisan Vito, Alenkas husband -
Later on, Vito, a partisan not yet 26 years old, came to the Technical Center.
Later on, Vito, a partisan not yet 26 years old, came to the Technical Center.
Later, Vito, a partisan not yet 26 years old, came to the Central Technique. -
He wanted to become a vocational painter after the war.
He wanted to become a vocational painter after the war.
His wish was to become a vocational painter after the war. -
Vito came to the Technical Center after me.
Vito came to the Technical Center after me.
Vito came to the Central Technique after me. -
Before, though, he'd spent a long time in an Italian internment camp.
Before, though, he'd spent a long time in an Italian internment camp.
Before though, he spent a long time in an Italian internment camp. -
Due to the long, harsh conditions there, he suffered from a very bad case of articular rheumatism.
Due to the long, harsh conditions there, he suffered from a very bad case of articular rheumatism.
Due to the long and harsh conditions, he suffered from a very bad case of articular rheumatism. -
He didn’t go home when Italy surrendered, because it would have still been too dangerous.
He didn’t go home when Italy surrendered, because it would have still been too dangerous.
He didn’t go home when Italy capitulated, because that would still have been too dangerous. -
Instead, he went straight to the partisans, and in the dead of winter,
Instead, he went straight to the partisans, and in the dead of winter,
Rather, he went straight to the partisans and in the dead of winter, -
he joined the march of the Ljubljana brigade and the 18th Division to Gorski Kotar.
he joined the march of the Ljubljana brigade and the 18th Division to Gorski Kotar.
joined the march of the Ljubljana brigade and the 18th division to Gorski Kotar. -
It was a terribly cold winter and his rheumatism got worse.
It was a terribly cold winter and his rheumatism got worse.
It was a terribly cold winter and his rheumatism went worse. -
He slept with high fevers, laying on branches in the snow.
He slept with high fevers, laying on branches in the snow.
He slept with high temperature directly upon some branches lying on the snow. -
His fever from the infection affected his cardiac valves.
His fever from the infection affected his cardiac valves.
His high temperature from the infection then affected his cardiac valves. -
None of us, including him, was aware he was deadly ill when he came to the Technical Center.
None of us, including him, was aware he was deadly ill when he came to the Technical Center.
Although he and we were unaware, he was dead sick when he came to the Central Technique. -
When we withdrew from Bela krajina, he was suffering from angina infection.
When we withdrew from Bela krajina, he was suffering from angina infection.
When we withdrew from Bela krajina, he was suffering from anginal infections. -
He had his first heart attack in Gorski Kotar, but recovered from that.
He had his first heart attack in Gorski Kotar, but recovered from that.
He had his first heart attack in the Gorski Kotar, but recovered from that.