European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
We then got to Ljubljana with the impression the war was ending; the end of sicknesses, the end of all bad things.
We then got to Ljubljana with the impression the war was ending; the end of sicknesses, the end of all bad things.
We then arrived to Ljubljana believing the war to be coming to its end, and the end of sicknesses, the end of all things bad. -
It was only a year and three months later that he died of a cardiac valve infection, a death sentence at that time.
It was only a year and three months later that he died of a cardiac valve infection, a death sentence at that time.
It was only a year and three months later that he died because of a cardiac valve infection, being a death sentence to that time. -
Cultural work among the partisans
Cultural work among the partisans
Cultural work at the partisans -
There were many, many cultural workers with the partisans.
There were many, many cultural workers with the partisans.
There were very many cultural workers with the partisans. -
The theater was relatively well represented and many plays were held.
The theater was relatively well represented and many plays were held.
The theater was relatively well represented and many premieres were held. -
For one play, for Bor’s Raztrganci, I contributed the stage scenery.
For one play, for Bor’s Raztrganci, I contributed the stage scenery.
For one premiere, for Bor’s Raztrganci, I contributed the stage scenery. -
One of the most important features
One of the most important features
One of the most important components -
of the ‘Technical Center’ (of the Slovene Communist Party Workshop) was the partisan printing press.
of the ‘Technical Center’ (of the Slovene Communist Party Workshop) was the partisan printing press.
of the ‘Central Technique’ (of the Slovene Communist Party Workshop) was the partisan printing press. -
Partisan printing presses were hidden all throughout the hills of Kocevski Rog and Goteniski Sneznik.
Partisan printing presses were hidden all throughout the hills of Kocevski Rog and Goteniski Sneznik.
Partisan printing presses were hidden all over the hills of Kocevski Rog and also Goteniski Sneznik. -
They printed partisan newspapers, brochures, and even poetry collections and song-books.
They printed partisan newspapers, brochures, and even poetry collections and song-books.
They printed partisan newspapers, brochures and even poetry collections and song-books. -
Joining the Partisans: The First Task
Joining the Partisans: The First Task
Arriving at the partisans; first task -
That evening a courier brought me my passport, a fake one with a made-up name.
That evening a courier brought me my passport, a fake one with a made-up name.
That evening a courier indeed brought me my passport, a fake one with a fabricated name. -
I headed to the train station and took a train down to Primorje.
I headed to the train station and took a train down to Primorje.
I headed to the train station and took a train down to the Primorje. -
The last call was in a place called Kosana; that’s where all the illegals from Ljubljana went.
The last call was in a place called Kosana; that’s where all the illegals from Ljubljana went.
The last call was in a place called Kosana; that’s where all the illegal from Ljubljana went. -
I turned to him to say the code – "Matija sends me from Ljubljana." He responded – "Vremscica."
I turned to him to say the code – "Matija sends me from Ljubljana." He responded – "Vremscica."
I turned to him to say the code – Matija sends me from Ljubljana. He responded – Vremscica. -
At the time I didn’t know what Vremscica was. After WWII, I became a mountaineer and hiked up Vremscica many times.
At the time I didn’t know what Vremscica was. After WWII, I became a mountaineer and hiked up Vremscica many times.
At the time I didn’t know what Vremscica was. After WWII I became a mountaineer and hiked up Vremscica many times. -
It’s a beautiful mountain with a gorgeous view.
It’s a beautiful mountain with a gorgeous view.
A very long journey ensued, of course.
A very long journey ensued, of course.
A very long journey ensued of course. -
Our ultimate destination was the village of Obcice pod Kolevskim Rogom.
Our ultimate destination was the village of Obcice pod Kolevskim Rogom.
Ultimately our goal was the village of Obcice pod Kolevskim Rogom. -
It was all unforgettably beautiful, just my leaving Ljubljana and going to liberated territory.
It was all unforgettably beautiful, just my leaving Ljubljana and going to liberated territory.
It was all unforgettable beautiful, already with my leaving Ljubljana and going to liberated territory.