European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Dopo aver visto questo, mio marito ha detto: "Per questo crimine non tornerò."
Dopo aver visto questo, mio marito ha detto: "Per questo crimine non tornerò."
Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”
Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”
Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”
Having seen this, my husband said: “On account of this crime I will not go back.”
Dopo aver visto questo, mio marito ha detto: "Per questo crimine non tornerò."Dopo aver visto questo, mio marito ha detto: "Per questo crimine non tornerò."
Dopo aver visto questo, mio marito ha detto: "Per questo crimine non tornerò."
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