European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
della bravissima gente, avevano fatto una bellissima casa lì a Marola però noi non abbiamo avuto mai a che fare con nessuno.
della bravissima gente, avevano fatto una bellissima casa lì a Marola però noi non abbiamo avuto mai a che fare con nessuno.
They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.
They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.
They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.
They were a very nice family who had built a beautiful house there, but we didn’t have much to do with anybody.
della bravissima gente, avevano fatto una bellissima casa lì a Marola però noi non abbiamo avuto mai a che fare con nessuno.della bravissima gente, avevano fatto una bellissima casa lì a Marola però noi non abbiamo avuto mai a che fare con nessuno.
della bravissima gente, avevano fatto una bellissima casa lì a Marola però noi non abbiamo avuto mai a che fare con nessuno.
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