European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Quando si potevano togliere gli scarponi, ce li toglievamo e ci grattavamo quelle povere gambe morsicate dai pidocchi.
Quando si potevano togliere gli scarponi, ce li toglievamo e ci grattavamo quelle povere gambe morsicate dai pidocchi.
This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.
This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.
This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.
This was the time when you could take your boots off, taking time to scratch your feet stung by lice.
Quando si potevano togliere gli scarponi, ce li toglievamo e ci grattavamo quelle povere gambe morsicate dai pidocchi.Quando si potevano togliere gli scarponi, ce li toglievamo e ci grattavamo quelle povere gambe morsicate dai pidocchi.
Quando si potevano togliere gli scarponi, ce li toglievamo e ci grattavamo quelle povere gambe morsicate dai pidocchi.
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