Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish User Documentation
- If your server is rebooted, the encrypted disk will become locked. You will need to log in to the Management Portal and enter your passphrase to unlock it again.
- If your server is rebooted, the encrypted disk will become locked. You will need to log in to the Management Portal and enter your passphrase to unlock it again.
-Si el servidor se reinicia, el disco cifrado se bloqueará. Necesitará iniciar sesión en el Portal de gestión e introducir su contraseña para desbloquearlo otra vez. -
- Do not lose your encryption passphrase. Without it all of your data will become permanently lost when the system is rebooted. Remember, we cannot recover your passphrase, ever, for any reason.
- Do not lose your encryption passphrase. Without it all of your data will become permanently lost when the system is rebooted. Remember, we cannot recover your passphrase, ever, for any reason.
-No pierda su contraseña de cifrado. Sin ella todos sus datos serán permanentemente perdidos cuando se reinicie el sistema. Recuerde, no podemos recuperar su contraseña, nunca, por ningún motivo. -
- If at any point you are no longer using your Gibberfish server, please let us know so that we can decommission it and conserve our limited resources.
- If at any point you are no longer using your Gibberfish server, please let us know so that we can decommission it and conserve our limited resources.
-Si en cualquier momento ya no utiliza el servidor de Gibberfish, por favor háganoslo saber para que podamos restablecerlo y conservar nuestros recursos limitados. -
Follow our blog for important announcements and to monitor our canary statements, and please send us feedback to help us improve the service.
Follow our blog for important announcements and to monitor our canary statements, and please send us feedback to help us improve the service.
Sigue nuestro blog para avisos importantes y vigilar nuestras garantías de seguridad y por favor danos tu opinión para ayudarnos a mejorar el servicio. -
Executive Director at Gibberfish, Inc
Executive Director at Gibberfish, Inc
Director Ejecutivo en Gibberfish, Inc
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