Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish User Documentation
It is likely that you are adding Gibberfish to a variety of existing accounts and services associated with your online activities. These older accounts and services may already be compromised. We recommend using fresh accounts for any activity that involves your Gibberfish server, the content stored there, or the activities associated with it.
It is likely that you are adding Gibberfish to a variety of existing accounts and services associated with your online activities. These older accounts and services may already be compromised. We recommend using fresh accounts for any activity that involves your Gibberfish server, the content stored there, or the activities associated with it.
Gibberfish를 기존 계정에 추가하고 온라인 활동 서비스를 추가한 사용자가 있다고 예상합니다. 아마 기존 계정과 서비스는 안전하지 않을 것입니다. Gibberfish 서버나 저장된 내용 혹은 관련된 활동을 위해 새로운 계정을 사용하시길 추천드립니다. -
We recognize that this is not always convenient or appropriate for every user. In this case, please take the time to re-secure any account or service you intend to use for private activities. Change your passphrases in order to lock-out unauthorized users who may have gained access without your knowledge. Wherever possible, enable two-factor authorization. Check for software updates for all your devices, including your phone, and install them.
We recognize that this is not always convenient or appropriate for every user. In this case, please take the time to re-secure any account or service you intend to use for private activities. Change your passphrases in order to lock-out unauthorized users who may have gained access without your knowledge. Wherever possible, enable two-factor authorization. Check for software updates for all your devices, including your phone, and install them.
때때로 다시 만드는 데 불편함이나 부적절함을 느끼는 사용자가 있기도 합니다. 이러한 경우에 사용자의 활동을 위한 계정이나 서비스를 다시 보호하기위해 일정 기간 걸리니 기다려 주십시오. 암호문구를 변경하여 권한 없이 몰래 접근하는 사용자를 격리하십시오. 가능하다면 2단계 인증을 추천합니다. 스마트폰을 포함한 모든 기기에 소프트웨어 업데이트를 했는지 확인하고 설치합니다. -
The Nextcloud “Talk” app allows you to create and join video calls in your web browser. For best performance on mobile devices, we recommend that you install and use the “Nextcloud Talk” mobile app, which is available from iTunes, Google Play, and F-Droid.
The Nextcloud “Talk” app allows you to create and join video calls in your web browser. For best performance on mobile devices, we recommend that you install and use the “Nextcloud Talk” mobile app, which is available from iTunes, Google Play, and F-Droid.
Nextcloud "Talk" 앱으로 웹브라우저의 영상 통화를 걸거나 참여할 수 있습니다. 모바일 기기에 최적화를 위하여 iTunes나 Google Play 혹은 F-Droid에서 "Nextcloud Talk" 모바일 앱을 설치 후 사용하시길 추천드립니다. -
The chat system uses the standard XMPP protocol, which will allow you to chat not only with fellow Gibberfish users, but also with anyone else in the world using an XMPP server. Your XMPP address is <your username>@<your gibberfish server>. For example,
The chat system uses the standard XMPP protocol, which will allow you to chat not only with fellow Gibberfish users, but also with anyone else in the world using an XMPP server. Your XMPP address is
<your username>
@<your gibberfish server>
. For example,채팅 시스템은 표준 XMPP 프로토콜을 사용하여 Gibberfish 사용자뿐만 아니라 XMPP 서버를 사용하는 누구라도 연락할 수 있습니다. XMPP 주소의 예는<your username>
@<your gibberfish server>
입니다. -
For more extensive documentation of the core features, please refer to the Nextcloud User Manual, which is also located in your Gibberfish home folder.
For more extensive documentation of the core features, please refer to the Nextcloud User Manual, which is also located in your Gibberfish home folder.
핵심 기능에 대해 풍부한 설명을 원하신다면 Nextcloud 사용 설명서를 참조하시길 바랍니다. 위치는 Gibberfish home 폴더에 있습니다. -
설명을 마무리하며... -
We hope you enjoy using Gibberfish. We have worked hard make it a secure and easy-to use platform, as have the many independent contributors to the various open source projects that we have integrated into our service. Special thanks goes to the folks at Nextcloud, without whom our platform would not be possible.
We hope you enjoy using Gibberfish. We have worked hard make it a secure and easy-to use platform, as have the many independent contributors to the various open source projects that we have integrated into our service. Special thanks goes to the folks at Nextcloud, without whom our platform would not be possible.
Gibberfish를 자유롭게 사용하시길 바랍니다. 다양한 오픈소스 프로젝트를 개선하여 우리의 서비스로 바꾸어 많은 독립적인 참여자를 확보했고 부단한 노력의 결과로 보안을 꾀하여 사용자 편의를 위한 플랫폼을 만들었습니다. Nextcloud의 사용자들 덕에 플랫폼을 만들게 되어 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. -
Gibberfish works with the Nextcloud desktop and mobile clients to allow you to automatically sync files to and from the server. This is disabled by default as a security measure. If you wish to use these clients, talk to your Administrator about changing the file access rules. If you decide to sync files locally, only do so if you have turned on full-disk encryption for your device. This protects your files if your device is lost, stolen or hacked
Gibberfish works with the Nextcloud desktop and mobile clients to allow you to automatically sync files to and from the server. This is disabled by default as a security measure. If you wish to use these clients, talk to your Administrator about changing the file access rules. If you decide to sync files locally, only do so if you have turned on full-disk encryption for your device. This protects your files if your device is lost, stolen or hacked
Gibberfish는 Nextcloud 데스크톱 및 모바일 클라이언트와 상호작용하여 서버와의 파일 동기화를 자동으로 켭니다. 보안 조치를 위해 이 기능은 기본적으로 비활성했습니다. 이 클라이언트를 사용하시려면 관리자에게 요청하여 파일 접근 규칙을 바꾸십시오. 로컬 파일을 동기화하시려면 기기의 모든 디스크에 암호화를 적용하셔야 가능합니다. 기기를 분실, 도난, 해킹당했을 시에 파일을 보호하려 함입니다. -
While the comic above explains the concept, the Diceware method recommends a passphrase length of 5 or more words for optimal security.
While the comic above explains the concept, the Diceware method recommends a passphrase length of 5 or more words for optimal security.
만화에서 기본 개념을 설명하는 동안 Diceware 메서드를 사용하여 최적의 보안에 필요한 5개 단어 이상의 암호를 권장드립니다. -
Using Tor is the single best way to guard your online privacy. This is why we use Tor to deploy your Gibberfish server. While it specifically refers to The Onion Router project, Tor has come to encompass a variety of free products and services people can use to safeguard their online activities. We recommend that everyone use the Tor browser to help anonymize their online presence.
Using Tor is the single best way to guard your online privacy. This is why we use Tor to deploy your Gibberfish server. While it specifically refers to The Onion Router project, Tor has come to encompass a variety of free products and services people can use to safeguard their online activities. We recommend that everyone use the Tor browser to help anonymize their online presence.
Tor는 귀하의 온라인 개인 정보를 보호하기 위한 최선의 방법입니다. 그렇기에 사용자의 서버를 배포하기에 앞서 Tor를 사용합니다. Onion 라우터 프로젝트가 핵심인 Tor는 유저의 온라인 활동 보호를 위한 다양한 무료 서비스를 담게 되었습니다. Tor 브라우저를 사용하여 온라인 출처를 숨기는데 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. -
Please carefully read the documentation and FAQ that Tor provides about browsing on their network. They have important recommendations for maintaining your privacy. Importantly, using the Tor browser does not guarantee that all your online activities are anonymous.
Please carefully read the documentation and FAQ that Tor provides about browsing on their network. They have important recommendations for maintaining your privacy. Importantly, using the Tor browser does not guarantee that all your online activities are anonymous.
설명서와 질의문답에서 Tor가 네트워크 활동에 제공하는 점을 주의 깊게 읽어보시길 바랍니다. 개인 정보 유지를 위한 중요한 정보를 상기시킵니다. 중요한 점은 Tor 브라우저를 사용한다고 해서 귀하의 모든 온라인 활동이 익명이 된다는 보장은 없습니다. -
As your security needs escalate Tor has other free tools to help. When you evaluate your Threat Model, you may wish to investigate Bridge servers and Tails. Bridge servers allow people to access Tor in countries that block it. Tails is a Linux operating system, complete with commonly used programs, all on a USB stick. It allows extremely private computing.
As your security needs escalate Tor has other free tools to help. When you evaluate your Threat Model, you may wish to investigate Bridge servers and Tails. Bridge servers allow people to access Tor in countries that block it. Tails is a Linux operating system, complete with commonly used programs, all on a USB stick. It allows extremely private computing.
보안을 확대하고 싶을 때 Tor가 무료 툴로서 도움이 될 것입니다. 위협 모델링에 앞서 브리지 서버와 Tails를 살필 필요성을 느끼실 겁니다. 브리지 서버는 접근을 제한한 국가의 사용자가 Tor에 접근하도록 돕습니다. Tails는 리눅스 운영체제이며 주로 사용되는 모든 프로그램이 USB에 담겨 마무리됩니다. 그리하여 연산의 보안은 매우 강력해집니다. -
Good passphrases are extremely important for safeguarding your data. We (and many security experts) recommend creating passwords using the Diceware method. This is the only method of passphrase generation we consider secure. Its easy to do, and it provides ultra-strong passphrases that can defeat even the most resourceful adversaries.
Good passphrases are extremely important for safeguarding your data. We (and many security experts) recommend creating passwords using the Diceware method. This is the only method of passphrase generation we consider secure. Its easy to do, and it provides ultra-strong passphrases that can defeat even the most resourceful adversaries.
좋은 암호는 매우 중요한데 귀하의 데이터를 보호하기 때문입니다. (많은 보안 전문가와 마찬가지로) 저희는 Diceware 메서드를 사용하여 암호 만들기를 추천합니다. 암호 문구만이 안전하다고 판단하는 유일한 방법입니다. 사용 방법은 쉽고 매우 강력한 암호를 제공하여 준비가 철저한 적도 물리칠 수 있습니다. -
안녕하세요. -
Your Gibberfish server is ready to be deployed. To do so you must first install the Tor Browser (Orfox on mobile) and download the instructions using this link, which will automatically self destruct after the first visit:
Your Gibberfish server is ready to be deployed. To do so you must first install the Tor Browser (Orfox on mobile) and download the instructions using this link, which will automatically self destruct after the first visit:
Gibberfish 서버를 배포할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해 우선 Tor 브라우저(모바일의 경우 Orfox)를 설치하시고 다운로드 가이드는 이 링크이고 주소는 첫 방문후에 자연스럽게 사라질 것입니다. -
The installation should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. If the installation does not start properly, please close your browser and try again in a new session.
The installation should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. If the installation does not start properly, please close your browser and try again in a new session.
설치 완료 하는 데 약 30 분을 소요합니다. 설치를 제대로 시작하지 않으면 브라우저를 종료하고 새로운 세션에서 다시 하십시오. -
Some important reminders:
Some important reminders:
몇 가지 중요한 사항을 알려드립니다. -
- Before deploying your server, please read our Quick-start guide. It contains important suggestions for maintaining your privacy and security.
- Before deploying your server, please read our Quick-start guide. It contains important suggestions for maintaining your privacy and security.
- 서버를 배포하기 전에 빠른 시작 가이드를 읽어보시길 바랍니다. 중요한 제안을 드리므로 귀하의 개인 정보 보호 및 보안을 유지하기 위해서입니다. -
- Do not lose your encryption passphrase. We cannot recover it, ever, for any reason.
- Do not lose your encryption passphrase. We cannot recover it, ever, for any reason.
- 암호문구를 잃지 마십시오. 어떤 이유에서든 복구할 수 없습니다. -
- Once the installation is complete, your designated Administrator can begin creating accounts for new users. We do not recommend sending login credentials via unencrypted email. Signal is a good choice.
- Once the installation is complete, your designated Administrator can begin creating accounts for new users. We do not recommend sending login credentials via unencrypted email. Signal is a good choice.
- 설치가 완료되고 나서야 지정 관리자가 새로운 사용자를 위해 계정을 만들 수 있습니다. 암호화되지 않은 이메일을 통해 로그인 자격 증명을 되도록 보내지 마십시오. Signal은 좋은 앱의 하나입니다.