Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish User Documentation
1. For your privacy, the management portal is only accessible through the Tor anonymity network. In order to access Tor you will need to install the Tor Browser, which is a specially modified version of Firefox. It can be downloaded at
1. For your privacy, the management portal is only accessible through the Tor anonymity network. In order to access Tor you will need to install the Tor Browser, which is a specially modified version of Firefox. It can be downloaded at
1. 귀하의 개인 정보를 보호하기 위해 관리 포털은 익명의 Tor 네트워크를 통해서만 접근합니다. Tor에 접근하기 위해 Tor 브라우저를 설치하셔야 하는데 이는 Firefox를 기반한 수정된 버전입니다. 다운로드는 여기서 가능합니다. -
2. Open the Tor browser and type the following into the address bar:
2. Open the Tor browser and type the following into the address bar:
2. Tor 브라우저를 열고 주소 표시줄에 다음을 입력하십시오. -
You may have noticed that this url does not use HTTPS, which is the standard for secure web browsing. This is because Tor already protects your traffic with multiple layers of encryption, making HTTPS unneccessary.
You may have noticed that this url does not use HTTPS, which is the standard for secure web browsing. This is because Tor already protects your traffic with multiple layers of encryption, making HTTPS unneccessary.
보시다시피 이 url은 보안 웹 브라우징의 표준인 HTTPS을 사용하지 않습니다. Tor를 통해 트래픽이 여러겹의 암호화를 통해 보호되어 HTTPS가 필요하지 않기 때문입니다. -
3. Log in to the management portal:
3. Log in to the management portal:
3. 관리 포털에 로그인합니다. -
username: portal_admin password: correct horse battery staple
username: portal_admin
password: correct horse battery staple사용자 이름: portal_admin
암호: correct horse battery staple -
4. On the next screen, type in the encryption passphrase you have chosen to protect your data. Please review it for accuracy before hitting ‘Enter’. This will initiate the process of encrypting and installing your new cloud. Once complete, it will display the username and password you can use to access your cloud at the address listed at the top of this letter. You may continue to use the Tor browser from this point, or switch to a normal browser. Please change your password once you have logged in.
4. On the next screen, type in the encryption passphrase you have chosen to protect your data. Please review it for accuracy before hitting ‘Enter’. This will initiate the process of encrypting and installing your new cloud. Once complete, it will display the username and password you can use to access your cloud at the address listed at the top of this letter. You may continue to use the Tor browser from this point, or switch to a normal browser. Please change your password once you have logged in.
4. 다음 화면으로 넘어가면 데이터를 보호하기 위해 미리 선택해둔 암호문구를 입력하십시오. 'Enter'를 입력하기 전에 다시 한번 암호를 확인하십시오. 이제 암호화 과정이 시작되고 새로운 클라우드를 설치합니다. 완료만 된다면 이 글의 상단 나열된 주소에 클라우드에 접근하기 위한 암호와 사용자이름이 표시될 것입니다. 이 순간부터 Tor 브라우저를 계속 사용하거나 일반 브라우저로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 로그인 후에는 암호를 바꾸시길 바랍니다. -
If you run into any trouble, please contact us at
If you run into any trouble, please contact us at
불편한 점이 있으시면 info@gibberfish.org에 문의하시기 바랍니다. -
GIBBERFISH를 시작하기에 앞서... -
Welcome to Gibberfish! Our focus is on your privacy and security, but we need you to be an equal participant. Below are a couple of suggestions to get you started.
Welcome to Gibberfish! Our focus is on your privacy and security, but we need you to be an equal participant. Below are a couple of suggestions to get you started.
Gibberfish에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 귀하의 개인정보를 보호하는 것이 저희의 임무이지만 여러분도 참여해주시기를 바랍니다. 시작하기 앞서 아래에 몇가지 제안을 하려 합니다. -
Never use a passphrase for your Gibberfish login that you use anywhere else.
Never use a passphrase for your Gibberfish login that you use anywhere else.
타 웹사이트와 다른 Gibberfish 암호문구를 사용하여 로그인하십시오. -
Always generate a unique passphrase for any service, account or device.
Always generate a unique passphrase for any service, account or device.
모든 서비스, 계정 혹은 기기에 필요한 유일한 1개의 암호문구를 만드십시오. -
Using this method ensures you only need to remember one passphrase: the one to unlock your key vault.
Using this method ensures you only need to remember one passphrase: the one to unlock your key vault.
이 방법으로 하나의 암호문구를 기억하여 키 보관소를 잠금해제합니다. -
By ‘robust’ we mean procedures that have been established or vetted by trusted security experts. These include, but are not limited to, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Guardian Project and Tor project.
By ‘robust’ we mean procedures that have been established or vetted by trusted security experts. These include, but are not limited to, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Guardian Project and Tor project.
'강력한 암호'의 의미는 검증된 보안 전문가들이 세우거나 검증되었다는 말입니다. 이는 EFF(Electronic Frontier Foundation), the Guardian 프로젝트 그리고 Tor 프로젝트를 포함한 여러 보안절차를 의미합니다. -
We use ‘consistent’ to emphasize that the intermittent use of any security practice is as bad as not using one at all. Once you develop a threat model and a strategy to defeat it, you must apply that strategy every time you engage in private activities.
We use ‘consistent’ to emphasize that the intermittent use of any security practice is as bad as not using one at all. Once you develop a threat model and a strategy to defeat it, you must apply that strategy every time you engage in private activities.
일시적인 보안 활동을 위해 '지속적인' 조치는 아예 없느니보다 못하다는 점을 전해드립니다. 파훼법으로 위협 모델링과 보안 전략을 적용하면 개인 활동을 할 때마다 사용해야 합니다. -
Every user must understand your group’s Threat Model and consistently use the same security practices.
Every user must understand your group’s Threat Model and consistently use the same security practices.
그룹의 위협모델을 모든 사용자가 이해하여야 하고 동일한 보안절차를 계속 거쳐야합니다. -
For more information on Threat Models, please refer to this excellent primer produced by the EFF.
For more information on Threat Models, please refer to this excellent primer produced by the EFF.
위협 모델에 관해 더 많은 정보를 얻고 싶으시다면 EFF가 만든 입문서를 참고하십시오. -
When you first log in, your chat roster on the right side of the screen will be empty. From the menu at the bottom you can Add Contact. Just start typing and it will automatically search for existing users on the server, or you can type in the XMPP address of external users.
When you first log in, your chat roster on the right side of the screen will be empty. From the menu at the bottom you can Add Contact. Just start typing and it will automatically search for existing users on the server, or you can type in the XMPP address of external users.
처음 로그인할 때 화면 오른쪽에 채팅 목록이 비어있을 것입니다. 하단 메뉴에서 연락처를 추가할 수 있습니다. 일단 입력하면 서버의 기존 사용자를 자동검색하고 필요하다면 외부 사용자의 XMPP 주소에 입력할 수 있습니다. -
To stay connected when you’re not logged in to Gibberfish, you can also connect to the server directly using an XMPP-compatible client such as Adium, Pidgin, or one of many mobile apps.
To stay connected when you’re not logged in to Gibberfish, you can also connect to the server directly using an XMPP-compatible client such as Adium, Pidgin, or one of many mobile apps.
Gibberfish에 로그인이 안되어 있을 때 연결을 유지하기 위해 Adium, Pidgin 혹은 다양한 모바일 앱과 같은 XMPP 호환 클라이언트를 사용하여 서버에 직접연결할 수 있습니다. -
The chat server is also reachable as a Tor “onion service” on port 5222. Ask your administrator for your server’s Tor address.
The chat server is also reachable as a Tor “onion service” on port 5222. Ask your administrator for your server’s Tor address.
채팅 서버는 포트 5222에서 토르의 "Onion 서비스"로 연결할 수 도 있습니다. 관리자에게 귀하의 서버에 대한 토르 주소를 요청하십시오. -
However, when chatting with users outside your server, you have no guarantee of privacy unless you and your contacts use an end-to-end encryption plugin such as “OTR”. Most chat clients support end-to-end encryption, and have guides to help you understand and enable it.
However, when chatting with users outside your server, you have no guarantee of privacy unless you and your contacts use an end-to-end encryption plugin such as “OTR”. Most chat clients support end-to-end encryption, and have guides to help you understand and enable it.
서버 외부 사용자와 채팅은 "OTR" 같은 사용자간 암호화 플러그인을 사용하여야 개인 정보가 보장됩니다. 대부분의 채팅 클라이언트는 사용자간 암호화를 지원하고 가이드가 있어 이해하여 활성화하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다.